Teramo kindergarten notice to be withdrawn. Words by Andrea Core….

Teramo kindergarten notice to be withdrawn. Words by Andrea Core….
Teramo kindergarten notice to be withdrawn. Words by Andrea Core….

Change the air. First critical post by the new municipal councilor of the mixed group, Andrea Core. Note the like from the majority city councilor, Graziella Cordone.

“When 4 years ago the D’Alberto Administration started a revolution in municipal nurseries, it did so in the awareness of the central role that the Teramo area has always represented at a regional and national level.
After years of total immobility and lack of investments, complex choices were made but which in the long term had demonstrated all their goodness, managing to give new life and new perspectives to the Teramo educational services, to families, to girls and boys, and also to the same educational staff who have always dedicated heart and soul to this service.
By way of example, it is right to remember how we went from 120 boys and girls admitted to over 250; the competition that led to the hiring of almost 20 educators; the competition notice for the hiring of a pedagogical coordinator; the drafting of the new pedagogical project for the first time also signed by the private entities of Teramo: a guarantee of quality for everyone; the provision of free service for economically disadvantaged families.
This year, in the new role I hold today, I have preferred silence supported by daily dialogue with the administration to ensure that the good things done and sown are not wasted.
I have experienced with extreme bitterness every moment of blockage, slowdown or conflict generated on a topic so important for our reality and for the future of all Teramo people.
If today I break this vow of silence it is because I believe that we are reaching a point of no return and on which I invite the entire administration to reflect further.
The latest tender notice, recently published, although containing positive aspects within itself, is lacking in two aspects of vital importance: employment guarantees for the staff employed and guarantees of continuity of a service which cannot undergo constant revolutions but which today has proven to have legs to walk.
If workers and businesses are not made safe, the risk, if not the certainty, is that in the end the highest price will be paid by the users, that is, girls and boys with their families.
I therefore invite the municipal administration to retrace its steps, to withdraw the act in self-defense and to correct the errors relating to staff employment and duration of the contract: we owe it to the operators, to the families, but above all to the girls and boys” …

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