Cochi Ponzoni arrives at “Ne Vale la Pena”.

Sixty years of entertainment, sixty years of theatre, cabaret, cinema, TV, sixty years in the imagination of Italians. Although closely linked, in the popularity of a vast audience, to that of his lifelong partner and friend Renato Pozzetto, the career of Aurelio “Cochi” Ponzoni took different paths quite quickly, both in terms of cinema and theatre. Here, in particular, Cochi’s personality had the opportunity to express itself, starting from the seventies of the last century, in the whole range of registers and situations, in traditional roles, never taken for granted, and in more experimental ones, undertaken thanks to an insatiable intellectual curiosity.

The book, written with the collaboration of Paolo Crespi, is a memoir that drags the reader into Cochi’s life starting from childhood and war memories up to the most recent artistic adventures, opening previously unpublished glimpses into the life of one of the most well-known personalities and secrets of the Italian scene. “The whole story” for readers of multiple generations of fans, from the orphans of the legendary Derby Club to the young spectators of the latest adventures, not only theatrical, of the protagonist.

Aurelio “Cochi” Ponzoni was born in Milan on 11 March 1941. Since her parents and Renato Pozzetto’s parents were friends, their partnership began when they were still crawling. The debut of the duo “Cochi and Renato” took place at Cab 64, in the same year, before arriving at the legendary Derby, where with Jannacci, Lauzi, Toffolo and Andreasi they made the history of Italian cabaret for almost ten years. His debut on TV took place in ’68, withQuelli della Domenica. From ’76 onwards, for Cochi, auteur cinema and from ’79 to the present day a long series of theatrical projects.

edited by Paolo Crespi – published by Baldini+Castoldi.
Thursday 6 June at 8.45pm – “A.Loria” Auditorium via Rodolfo Pio, 1 – Carpi (MO)
led by Pierluigi Senatore
Free entry until all available places are filled

(June 3, 2024)

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