Salvini in Bari with Romito: “Now a city for the rich, we want it to be fair”

Salvini in Bari with Romito: “Now a city for the rich, we want it to be fair”
Salvini in Bari with Romito: “Now a city for the rich, we want it to be fair”

Security, immigration, family, but also well-being, trade. These are just some of the issues addressed during the rally of the centre-right candidate, Fabio Romito, flanked by the vice-president of the council of ministers, Matteo Salvini. “We have the objective a few tens of meters away from us, we can reach it – said Romito – I am proud to have here the vice-president of the council of ministers, Matteo Salvini, who, unlike what others say in Southern Italy, in Puglia and Bari invested resources like no minister had ever done. They talk about us as if we were a danger, but who is the real danger? – said Romito, referring to the investigation into vote-exchanging for the mafia – “we dream of a beautiful and prosperous Bari. Imagine how our Bari would change, which under the management of the left has become a city for the rich. They talk about social issues, but they have increased inequalities. When well-being is widespread, it is horizontal. For us in Bari, as we speak, a thousand businesses have closed. It’s a massacre and there is no security. We dream of a Bari free from prejudices” – continued Romito. Then it was Salvini’s turn, greeted by applause, but also by chants and whistles.

“I thank the friends of the choir of the social centers – he joked and then returned to talking about the projects – the left only talks about young people during the electoral campaign, but never nominates them. Romito is a possibility for change. There is a united center-right. On the left they argue. They talk about renewal, but they are nominating a head of cabinet who has been present for many years. We are for peace and values ​​and for renewal. Everyone is free to do what they want, but family is fundamental. As long as they don’t erase our roots. Romito will be one of the best surprises among all the Municipalities. The league will be the biggest surprise of these European elections,” he added, speaking then of president Sergio Mattarella. “No controversy with him – Salvini said again – I defend the national interest and national sovereignty. I will not cede any more pieces of Italy to the European Union. If we were to cede military sovereignty to Europe, if we had the only defense in Europe, tomorrow Macron would send our children to the slaughter, to fight and die in Ukraine or to use weapons to bomb and kill in Russia. So let’s hold onto our Italy and our sovereignty tightly, because we have already sold off pieces of Italy in past decades, due to the faults of others, almost always on the left, I’m thinking of Prodi. The President of the Republic is the guarantor of the Constitution and the Constitution repudiates war. We hate war,” he concluded.

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