Medicines with cannabis, agreement with military chemical pharmaceutical plant for supply

Medicines with cannabis, agreement with military chemical pharmaceutical plant for supply
Medicines with cannabis, agreement with military chemical pharmaceutical plant for supply

Estar, on behalf of the Tuscany Region, signs an agreement with the Military Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant of Florence, valid for one year, for the supply of cannabis-based active ingredients necessary to satisfy the growing needs of healthcare service companies regional and therefore continuity of ongoing therapies to patients.

The military chemical-pharmaceutical plant, to which a law delegates the production of these principles, will be able to supply over 71 thousand packs of five and ten grams in a year, within an entirely public and controlled supply chain, with delivery within seven days from the order. An advantageous agreement also from an economic point of view and from a system sustainability perspective, as it will make the provision of the public health service less expensive.

However, in the event of even partial or temporary shortage of the product or due to unavailability at the military chemical pharmaceutical plant, the hospital pharmacies and the territorial pharmaceutical services of the local health authorities will be able to resort to purchasing the products marketed by the Omc, the Dutch organization for the sale of cannabis which is part of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports.

The agreement was signed on May 14, signed by the director Massimo Braganti on behalf of Estar and by Colonel Gabriele Picchioni who is the director of the pharmaceutical plant. Distribution to hospital pharmacies will take place under the responsibility of the establishment. “This is the first agreement signed in Italy in this way” comments Braganti.

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