I was at the Salvini-Vannacci rally. They were decimated!

I was at the electoral rally of Salvini and Vannacci which was held on June 1st in Piazza Duomo, corner of c.so Victor Emmanuel II. They were right to hold this rally in a corner and not in Piazza Duomo, because they really were four mangy cats and the lack of participation would have been evident in the square.

In my video there is only one interview because approaching these people I feel strange moved (it must also be said that my friend’s microphone didn’t work very well), I felt a sort of tenderness towards them, so I lacked the courage to call this film a “Horror film”, as was my intention. I opted to title it “Decimated!”. Why decimated? Because Vannacci, generalissimo of nothing, Rambo de noantri, introduced himself making a bizarre speech winking at fascism, peppering it with references to Decima Mas, the famous military flotilla of the Social Republic, what tragicomic sadness!

They crammed them all next to the Cathedral, very few of them, even if they were waving flags and shouting. Then came the generalissimo’s barker, Matteo Salvini, with his usual verbal raspberries, with his crude rhetoric, the baritone voice of the delicatessens, in comparison Vannacci seemed an elegant storyteller with the coup up my sleeve and the sabotage of democracy in my underwear, I randomly jotted down some Salvinian utterances: NEVER A COLONY OF CHINESE ELECTRIC CARS! WITH US YOU BECOME MASTER OF YOUR OWN FOUR WALLS! CRICKET FLOUR AND SYNTHETIC STEAKS IF YOU EAT THEM SOROS! MOM IS CALLED MUM, DAD IS CALLED DAD. ALWAYS ON THE SIDE OF LEGALITY, WE SAY THANKS TO THE MEN IN UNIFORM AND THE LAW ENFORCEMENT.

My mind reeled, I must admit, how is it possible to listen to these words without bursting into laughter? “Masters of their own four walls” seemed to me to be the phrase revealing the essence of the League’s typical voters, people who make their home doormat the ultimate border of imagination and freedomyou weren’t meant to live like idiots.

The image of a white sail on the horizon formed in my mind, as a reaction to a sense of suffocation, but around me I didn’t see any white sails, only closed fronts and doormats dusty with the nothingness that nothing can do anymore. I said to Pietro, my photographer friend, “enough, I can’t resist, we edit the film without interviews, let’s just leave the faces, they say more than a thousand words, now let’s run away, let’s go away, let’s escape, let’s go and drink a Negroni”.

Luckily my poet friend was waiting for me in Piazza della Scala Gabriele Contini who read some of his poems, accompanied by the guitar of his singing psychologist. Not everyone has a singing psychologist! Then a Hare Krishna procession passed and I finally felt serene and at peace with the world, far from the doormat of the Northern League home. Salvini and Vannacci, how is it possible that these two “mental enurgeons” can speak from a stage, instead of being locked up in a circus? Ah, yes, it’s called democracy. My God, what a scary thing democracy is.

I have to tell you the truth, I dream of a Hare Krishna dictatorship. Do you think about it? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to rely on the cheerful shaved heads and their mantra? Vannacci and Salvini have other shaved heads in mind, I know, but I have to say it with satisfaction: there were very few of them, they were decimated, nothing more than Decima Mas of the cippa. Let’s hope so. Hope is now the first to die, it has left us alone, but we will be able to resurrect it with a song, with the poet Contini screaming from his own psyche the tragic truth of the world.

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