Municipality elections 4 Bari, interviews with the 3 presidential candidates

Municipality 4 of Bari, which includes the Carbonara, Ceglie, Loseto and Santa Rita districts, is called to renew the presidency for the next 5 years (2024-2029). Resident citizens, in the next electoral round on 8 and 9 June, will be able to choose between 3 candidates. In fact, Matteo Colapietro (exponent of the centre-right supported by 4 lists), Giusi Giannelli (candidate of the Laforgia team supported by Movimento 5 Stelle, Bari Città d’Europa and Bari Bene Comune) and Maria Chiara Addabbo (candidate of the Democratic Party supported by 8 lists).

We asked the candidates 3 questions to introduce themselves to the citizens and illustrate their electoral programs.

A short introduction about yourself

COLAPIETRO: I’m Matteo Colapietro, I’m 50 years old, married with two children. Graduated in Law, lawyer, for several years employed by an Insurance Company for which I deal with damage compensation and pre-litigation. Former outgoing municipal councilor.

GIANNELLI: My political commitment began very early, in the seventies, in the student and women’s movement. Since then I have never stopped, with the parentheses that life determines, especially for a woman. And already in those years I saw first-hand how the battles for civil and social rights are inseparable and that there are values ​​that are not negotiable. Peace and coexistence between peoples, first of all, to say no to war and build a new anthropology based on dialogue and the meeting between different cultures. The fight against all discrimination, and, as stated in Article 3 of our Constitution, implementing a policy that truly removes obstacles to enjoying full citizenship, for those born in our country, but also for those who choose it . And for those who have to bite into life trying to reconcile the desire to have a son, a daughter, with job, economic and existential precariousness. In these now six years, in La Giusta Causa, together with Michele Laforgia, I have spent my knowledge and commitment on this, with others and others.

ADDABBO: I was born in Bari on 11 October 1993, during high school I was a consultative representative, I participated in the simulation in New York as a diplomat. First environmental educator in local elementary and middle schools, and in anti-mafia laboratories, then social worker in Cav, Sai structures and service centers for families. Engaged for more than 10 years in politics and active citizenship, both in Municipality 4 and throughout the region, also covering managerial roles as youth secretary, and currently coordinator of political activities in Bari city for the Democratic Party and head of associations of the Puglia Democratic Party. Since I took on the role of political activity coordinator in the PD Bari city, we have collaborated on various paths in our city, such as the coordination of Pride Bari, or with associations such as those named after Luca Coscioni with which we have already achieved excellent results.

What good has been done and what has not been done in the management of the Municipality

COLAPIETRO: Very little good has been done in recent years, the problems are unfortunately the same as always. A true administrative decentralization has not been achieved, therefore the funds and staff necessary to meet the needs of the inhabitants have not arrived in the offices. No meeting places have been created for children and the elderly. The former move to other parts of the city to have fun and the latter sit on the benches in the square. A sense of abandonment and resignation is now widespread among residents who increasingly see the town hall as a huge dormitory.

GIANNELLI: The issue of the Municipalities, we say it clearly in our program, is having left them more similar to the old constituencies, in terms of management and limited tasks. For this reason, together with our vision of a Polycentric Bari, there is that of implementing Decentralization, through an effective and substantial transfer of skills, powers and resources. The outgoing council, on which my opinion is positive, unfortunately worked within these limits.

ADDABBO: In the current situation the Municipality has managed to take great steps, a lot has been done regarding events and the environment. Unfortunately, the lack of independence has not allowed the realization of many projects, which can only be realized with the attention of the municipality.

Three priorities for the Municipality

COLAPIETRO: The traffic problems need to be resolved: elimination of the level crossings in via Quaranta and via Gorizia, immediate construction of the roundabouts already planned in via Trisorio Luzzi to eliminate the traffic lights, widening and redevelopment of the Grava road, creation of parking areas and of an internal circular, complete the construction works of the white sewer to eliminate flooding. Moving from the concept of an extreme abandoned suburb to that of a historic village and therefore valorising the enormous cultural and archaeological heritage present, the traditions, the religious processions, converting the former Di Maso quarry into a place for shows, perhaps into the summer headquarters of Petruzzelli , with the aim of bringing all the people of Bari and tourists to discover these places. Improve the quality of life of residents by creating new green areas, ensuring greater cleanliness of the streets, strengthening public lighting, video surveillance and checks by the police, finally helping local commerce which is crucial in keeping alive a community.

GIANNELLI: Rethink the whole issue of traffic, starting with pedestrian traffic, throughout the entire territory. Apart from the works that are affecting Piazza Umberto in Carbonara, it is difficult to get around on foot in the 4th municipality. The sidewalks are either missing, or they are too narrow, or they are in a state of decay, in Ceglie as in Santa Rita, in Carbonara as in Loseto. And those who pay the price are, as usual, the most fragile people. Prolonged closures of level crossings on the south-eastern railways lead to long waiting times and queued cars pollute the air that those who live there breathe. The Santa Rita station of the new Bari Bitritto line is isolated and far from homes, and this represents a problem, especially in the evening, if you are alone, or alone. The one in Loseto should be completed with one/two roundabouts to allow those who live there to cross the provincial road more safely. But it should also be made to serve the residents of Bari Tomorrow, together with a large and comfortable cycle-pedestrian path, to break the closure and isolation of that complex. And then the city of 15 minutes, we say it clearly in our program. An extraordinary plan of public, private and third sector services. Just by way of example: a modern senior center that promotes generational, social and cultural integration through a variety of activities. Public Administration offices, so that it is close and subsidiary to citizens. Incentives for start-ups and cultural and active citizenship associations, which are present, lively, and which with their activity make up for the lack of a specific look from the municipal administration on this territory. A restoration action for the tourist, natural and cultural enjoyment of the Lame, Picone and Fitta, which border our territory on one side and the other. The Lame represent a characteristic feature of the landscape, they are ecosystems of great historical-landscape interest and along their margins numerous traces of ancient rural settlements of great archaeological interest are preserved. Three priorities, but the main one is to move and enrich the gaze across the entire city, starting from the internal territories. Together with us, who live this municipality. You will be surprised.

ADDABBO: Among the priorities there will certainly be implementing help desks for citizens and proximity facilities. It is essential that municipal offices provide assistance to citizens and facilitate access to various municipal services. Proximity facilities must offer spaces dedicated to education, sport, culture and well-being. The creation by the municipal administration and the active participation of the municipality for the City Times Plan. And it will be essential to optimize waste management and intensify the control of environmental crimes.

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