Attempted car theft in Castel San Vincenzo: arrested in flagrante delicto

During the evening three days ago, some citizens of Castel San Vincenzo noticed a man wandering around suspiciously and promptly called the emergency number 112 to report the fact. In a few minutes, the soldiers of the Radiomobile Wing of the Carabinieri Company of Venafro, already engaged in a service to repress crimes against property, arrived on site.

After checking the main communication routes, near Piazza Umberto I, the Carabinieri identified a person who was fiddling near a parked car, trying to force the front door on the driver’s side. Considering the visible damage to the bodywork and the man’s attempt to flee at the sight of the soldiers, the Carabinieri stopped him and subsequently identified him.

The owner of the vehicle, who was promptly tracked down, did not hesitate to file a formal complaint for the incident. Given the circumstances, the subject was arrested in flagrante delicto for attempted aggravated car theft.

The Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Isernia, during the immediate trial, validated the arrest and ordered the detention of the individual at the Isernia prison, fully agreeing with the accusatory system.

In addition to the speed and efficiency of the men of the force, the collaboration of citizens in reporting suspicious events and supporting the activities of the Judicial Police was fundamental.

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