Ersaf: sustainable innovation in agriculture makes a difference – VDA News

Ersaf: sustainable innovation in agriculture makes a difference – VDA News
Ersaf: sustainable innovation in agriculture makes a difference – VDA News

Rome, 3 June. (askanews) – Long indicated as key to the future of agriculture, sustainable innovation already demonstrates today that it can make a concrete difference for the environment, people and the food industry. The confirmation is contained in the report sent by Ersaf, the body for agriculture and forestry services of the Lombardy Region, which analyzed the results of the last two years achieved by the experimental agricultural company Agrifuture.

A project in collaboration with the Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore of Piacenza and the University of Milan for the creation of a Living Lab on “Innovative and sustainable models of soil management”. Founded by Giorgio Rossi, president of MartinoRossi SpA, with the aim of carrying out research by testing innovative varieties, technologies and agronomic practices in the field aimed at obtaining increasingly sustainable and high-quality agricultural production, Agrifuture extends over 30 hectares close to the headquarters of MartinoRossi in the Malagnino countryside.

The report focuses on reducing carbon dioxide emissions generated directly and indirectly from cultivation activities. Underdrip was implemented on site, a sub-irrigation and fertigation system capable of reducing water consumption by up to 60% and limiting the use of fertilizers and pesticides, consequently reducing energy consumption linked to irrigation machinery traditional, fertilization and spraying of plant protection products.

The environmental benefits of sub-irrigation are integrated with those of other conservative agriculture practices adopted in Agrifuture, where periodic plowing or harrowing work is not foreseen while seasonal land coverage is practiced with cover crops and no-till sowing.

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