Gerardo Ferrara, Massimo Troisi’s stunt double in Il Postino. Photo and video

Gerardo Ferrara, Massimo Troisi’s stunt double in Il Postino. Photo and video
Gerardo Ferrara, Massimo Troisi’s stunt double in Il Postino. Photo and video

It was June 4, 1994 when the great Neapolitan actor left us. And they had to replace him on the Postman set for the most tiring scenes. Story of a friendship that continues. In dreams

Massimo Troisi died on June 4th 30 years ago (Look). He had finished shooting all the close-ups and medium shots of the Postman. The last scene was missing, the one in which his Mario Ruoppolo, Neruda’s postman, reached Massimo in Paradise: we see him from behind, during a Communist Party rally, first swallowed up and then knocked down by police truncheons – photo | video

TROISI’S SHOULDERS – Those shoulders belong to Gerardo Ferrara, who to call a stuntman would be an understatement: he is the man who allowed Troisi to get to the bottom of his film-testament. He is now 61 years old, teaches physical education and manages the bed and breakfast La Spigolatrice, in Sapri (Salerno). Over time, the resemblance has faded a bit. The emotion, however, is intact: in remembering Troisi, he is often moved and then his wife Elena arrives to mend the sentences.

Massimo Troisi, the memories of his nephew Stefano: “Uncle, I’ll start again from you” – Look

How did this adventure begin? «A friend from Sapri, who had contacts with the production, contacted me. She told me: “Gerà, they’re looking for a Troisi lookalike, Massimo isn’t very well and needs someone to support him in the most tiring scenes. Send me some photos”. I didn’t send them to him. I thought it was a joke. The next day she came to pick them up at home. After a week they summoned me to Rome. Five of us took my old white Golf and set off: me, my wife and three friends. There was only one goal: to meet Massimo. At the audition, at a job, I didn’t think about it.”

And then? «The assistant director, Gaia Gorrini, Bud Spencer’s niece, took us to Cinecittà. I was the only one allowed to enter. The others clung to me: “Please, take photos, get autographs.” We arrived at Theater 7, there were two people outside: I recognized one immediately, it was Philippe Noiret (Pablo Neruda, in the film, ed.). The other was director Michael Radford. They looked at me and laughed. I thought: “They’re going to kick me out”. Instead they were surprised: “You’re the same as him, even in your movements”.

How did the audition go? «After half an hour they told me: “You’re one of us, we’ll start in three days”. The seamstress recommended: “You have to be very careful, we only have these clothes: you will wear them and Massimo will wear them”. I was scared because they were too tight for me. Then Gaia gave me the script, and we headed back towards the entrance. I’m all swollen, with the “book” in my hand.”

Clarissa Burt confesses: “My violent father, running away with my mother. And my love with Massimo Troisi” – Look

And his wife, his friends? «They didn’t ask me: “Did they catch you?”. They just said to me: “Have you seen him, have you seen Massimo?”.

How was the first day of filming? «In the evening I called Elena and told her: “I’m coming back, I have nothing to do with this environment”. My wife begged me: “Gerà, hold on another day, I’ll go up tomorrow, I’ll meet Troisi and we’ll go home on Wednesday.” The next evening I picked him up in Termini and I was a different person: electric, happy. I had met Massimo.”

How was the meeting? «In the morning Troisi stayed in his camper with a cardiologist and a nurse. We prepared the scenes so that he had as little effort as possible in the afternoon. When he arrived, I approached him fearfully and held out my hand. He hugged me and said: “And you’ll show up now?”. He would have liked to meet me much earlier.”

An anecdote from the set? «In one scene I arrived at Neruda’s house by bike. Then I left her and Massimo took her. When I got out, I moved my hat and wiped my forehead, it came naturally to me, it was hot. Troisi in the evening he said to me: “You were very good, me had done the same thing”».

Cinzia TH Torrini: “That time Massimo Troisi’s heart stopped the set” – Look

How much did they pay her? «A million lire a week, but I didn’t think about the money. The only thing I demanded was that my wife could follow us everywhere. The first time she came to Salina she told me: “I’m pregnant”. The news spread. From that day on, Troisi was full of concern for her: “Don’t make her tired.” And he predicted: “Look, Pablito will be born to you (like the son in the film Mario has from Maria Grazia Cucinotta-Beatrice, ed.), he was convinced it was a male.” Six months later Massimo was born.”

How did you know of his death? «Massimo had finished his scenes, only the final one was missing, where you can’t see his face, which was my turn. That June 4th was a Saturday, we returned by train to Sapri, a friend picked us up at the station and froze us: “Ansa writes that Troisi has died”. My wife only said: “If he’s a boy, I’ll call him Massimo”. The night before, on set, we had had a party. In the end Troisi got into the camper, waved to us and said: “I love you all, don’t forget me”.

Did you have to return to the set? «On June 9th, five days later. I couldn’t do it. It was the director of photography Di Giacomo who convinced me: “Gerà, we owe it to him”».

Have you ever dreamed about it? «Yes, and he was always smiling. We once stayed here, on the seafront. On the last evening he had promised me: “I’ll come and visit you, you make me stay good”. But from Troisi I had another magic: Gaetano, my second son, was born on June 4th. As if Massimo wanted to tell me: “Geraon the day of my death you must not cry, you must celebrate”».

Have you ever thought about continuing to work in cinema, about putting that experience to good use? “No. Consider that in Salina the set was armored, they didn’t want to spread the news that Troisi had a stunt double, especially so as not to scare Massimo’s father. Panorama, however, found out: they contacted my wife, they wanted an interview. They told her: “Your husband pays the price.” I went to Lipari, I wouldn’t have done it even for a billion. I had only one mission: to relieve Massimo’s fatigue. He cared about the film as it were ‘na creature. Mario, the postman, was indeed him. The Democratic Party should show its members every day the scene in which the politician’s bodyguard asks the fishermen for a discount and Troisi tells him: “But what discount and discount, the fishermen are exploited and you ask for money?”.

Massimo Troisi, unforgettable master: let’s remember him like this – Look

The Postman won an Oscar (for the music). «And me too: it’s the dedication that Massimo made to me on Neruda’s book of poems. Look here: he thanks me for “self-sacrifice”, it’s a very right word. I also gave a similar book to my principal.”

Why? «I had taken a leave of absence that had to be renewed every 15 days. Every time I returned to Sapri, Massimo said to me: “Are you coming back?”. And I said: “Of course”. And he said: “I have to be sure”. So he wrote a dedication to the principal, I have it photographed: “To Prof Francesco Vitale, heartfelt thanks for giving me the opportunity to obtain the precious services of his student Gerardo.
Ps: I hope this can be used as an excuse for the inevitable absences of our friend.”

Alessandro Penna


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