Tosini: An entire elderly-friendly neighborhood in Rovigo

ROVIGO – “It is called Silver Land and it will be a neighborhood, with all the services necessary for any neighborhood and, in addition, those that elderly people may need”. This is the innovative idea launched by Palmiro Franco Tosini, mayoral candidate for Rovigo in the elections of 8 and 9 June. Supporting him are his civic list and the Democratic Party.

“We are not talking – Tosini specifies – about a residential facility for non-self-sufficient people, as there are many in the province. Our idea is different and is aimed at those people who, in their old age, are still fully sufficient, but have particular needs in terms of sociality and assistance, as well as safety”

From here the Silver Land project was born, that is, a sort of neighborhood entirely conceived and designed to welcome an elderly community, calibrated to its needs and habits. A sort of citadel, in short, with shops, services and even health facilities that can provide initial assistance or the services that the elderly often have to resort to, even just for the prescription of medicines.

“In an area with a very high rate of old age like ours – explains Tosini – it is necessary to identify new ideas and paths for all those who enter old age, especially if alone and without family members to rely on. This is one of the central points of our program.”

An innovative solution – concludes the mayoral candidate of the Democratic Party and Civic Party – access to which will obviously not be reserved solely for those who can afford it, since one of our priorities is to provide services to those who need themnot to those who have the financial resources to purchase them’”.

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