The heat wave arrives in Italy, temperatures 12 degrees above normal – News

The heat wave arrives in Italy, temperatures 12 degrees above normal – News
The heat wave arrives in Italy, temperatures 12 degrees above normal – News

The announced heat wave is now a reality which in the next few days will bring temperatures in Italy up to 12 degrees higher than the averages for the period. Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologist on the website, reports that the heat wave will hit the entire Peninsula, including the North which until now had experienced relatively cool phases.

In the next few hours in Sardinia it will reach peaks of 39 degrees in Oristano, in Puglia the thermometer will rise to 36 degrees, in Umbria it will reach 35 degrees in Terni, while in Rome it will reach 34 degrees. The heat wave will be decidedly more powerful between Wednesday 19th and Friday 21st June, but by Saturday some thunderstorms could arrive, especially in the North, to mitigate the situation a little.

Only locally will temperatures rise a little less due to grayer or milkier skies: some clouding is expected, especially on the western side, with a lot of desert sand that could partially block the sun’s rays. Despite the clouds, the hottest area during the mid-week peak will be the Cagliari area: 44°C is expected in the hottest internal areas and far from the fresh sea breeze.

The ranking of super heat provinces will see Benevento and Taranto at the top with 41 degrees, while at; Agrigento, Caserta, Foggia, Macerata, Syracuse and Terni will reach 40 degrees. Ascoli Piceno, Catania, Fermo, Frosinone, Matera and Ragusa will reach 39 degrees, and Avellino, Chieti, Forlì, Isernia and, in particular, also Rome and Naples will fluctuate between 38 and 39.


Tuesday 18. In the North: all sun and heat. In the Center: ample sunshine, increasing heat. In the South: sunny and warm.

Wednesday 19th. In the North: cloudy with heat and sultriness. In the Center: bright sunshine, heat above 35°C, peaks of 43-44 in Sardinia. In the South: further increasing heat.

Thursday 20th. In the North: oppressive heat and sultriness. In the Center: prevailing sun, heat up to 38-39°C also in Rome. In the South: heat rising to 41°C.

Trend: increasingly strong heat wave until Friday, but thunderstorms return.

To know more undefined Ministry of Health The Ministry of Health promotes and protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and interest of the community, in implementation of article 32 of our Constitution

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