The war of torn posters. This time it’s the centre-right’s turn

The war of torn posters. This time it’s the centre-right’s turn
The war of torn posters. This time it’s the centre-right’s turn

The political battle continues with tears and vandalism. When arguments are lacking, we prefer to use our hands. And so if on Saturday it was the turn of the centre-left posters, yesterday it was the turn of those of the centre-right. This time the target is the electoral noticeboard located in Piazzale Fiume, where yesterday morning the candidates of the list that supports the lawyer Giovanni Tarquini noticed the vandalism aimed at all the centre-right posters. “Tearing up electoral posters does not erase democratic ideas and debate, but rather underlines once again the importance of protecting and respecting the right of every citizen to express themselves – comments the candidate for mayor – I bring it to everyone’s attention I tear down the posters of our civic list and of all the centre-right forces in various parts of the city and I join in the indignation of the centre-left”.

It is a battle without distinction of class, color and political orientation against the nocturnal vandals who ruin the electoral material of the various lists in the field. The previous morning it was the turn of the center-left posters in the parking lot of the Coviolo cemetery, where that day some kids from the nearby Zanelli institute gathered and then paraded through the neighborhood on tractors with a sign reading “Executioner who gives up”.

It is impossible to know for sure whether they also tore down the posters, although the coincidence is very suspicious. One of our readers doesn’t think so and provides another version: “Unfortunately, in my opinion, the kids have committed the sin of ignorance, the hangman who quits was referring to their “fight” against the school president who didn’t want the parade to end did, reported to them, that they didn’t give up and in the end they managed to organize it without anyone’s help”. In short, the patch is worse than the hole, given that ignorance is in itself a bad thing. Fascist slogans ‘denatured’ and become mottos with which to mock the educational authority, which in an interview with our newspaper explained how its ‘niet’ was only due to a safety issue: “Last year I had already expressed doubts in this regard also for situations of possible safety, such as the banal danger of getting on more than one tractor and leaning out of the vehicles – explained Mariagrazia Braglia, director of the institute – I am not for canceling traditions school board, the context has changed. Coviolo was once open countryside, now it is located in an area with a high population density and on a busy road”. Yesterday the Institute Council in a note underlined how “Zanelli intends to underline its absolute and convinced democratic and anti-fascist matrix. Furthermore, due to its public and educational function, the Institute is apolitical which does not mean indifference but openness to all political ideas, as long as they are democratically expressed. The Institute, finally, expresses solidarity with the political parties and all those who have suffered a very serious insult from those subjects who do not know and who evidently do not want to discuss on democratic grounds”.

The Fratelli d’Italia deputy Gianluca Vinci turns the discussion around: “Regarding the tractor parade, organized in Coviolo by students and former students of the “Zanelli” institute, the left of Reggio Emilia is bordering on the ridiculous in order to take up the ‘weapon of victimism’ – the Melonian attacks relentlessly – It’s time to stop linking everything to fascism – we ask whether the left would have been outraged if Che Guevera’s Hasta la Victoria Siempre had appeared at the parade – provokes Vinci – , a criminal who claimed that homosexuals should not be allowed top positions in society and that “niggers,” as he put it, are lazy and don’t bathe.”

Saverio Migliari

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