Salvini and Borghi attack Mattarella: today is not the celebration of EU sovereignty. Schlein: very serious, Meloni distances himself. Tajani: solidarity with the Quirinale

Salvini and Borghi attack Mattarella: today is not the celebration of EU sovereignty. Schlein: very serious, Meloni distances himself. Tajani: solidarity with the Quirinale
Salvini and Borghi attack Mattarella: today is not the celebration of EU sovereignty. Schlein: very serious, Meloni distances himself. Tajani: solidarity with the Quirinale

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«It’s June 2nd, it’s Italian Republic Day. Today the sovereignty of our nation is consecrated. If the president he really thinks that sovereignty belongs to the European Union instead of Italy, for consistency he should resign, because its function would no longer make sense.” The senator of the League wrote it in X Claudio Borghi, posting a photo of an article on the declarations of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, to the diplomatic corps accredited in Italy and gathered in the Corazzieri hall on the occasion of Republic Day. On that occasion the head of state said among other things that «the life of our community is inserted today in the broader community of the European Union which we have decided to give life to with the other free peoples of the continent and to which we will dedicate, in a few days, with the election of the European Parliament, sovereignty”.

Salvini: Mattarella? Today is not the celebration of EU sovereignty

Added to Borghi’s attack was the attack of the leader of the League Matteo Salvini, who on In half an hour on Rai Tre, commenting on the tweet of the Northern League senator known for his Eurosceptic positions, said: «Today is the celebration of the Italians, of the Republic, not of European sovereignty. We have a President of the Republic because there is the Republic, I think of Europe as sovereign states that come together, but national sovereignty is fundamental. I will never surrender to a European super state where those who have the money are in charge.” Even though later in the evening he clarified: «No controversy with the President of the Republic, We are not asking for anyone’s resignation. I think that the head of state has been misrepresented by some newspaper because on June 2nd he talks about European sovereignty”

Schlein: never seen a direct attack on the Head of State on June 2nd, Meloni keep his distance

Protests from all opposition parties were immediate. «The attack that came today from the League» to the President of the Republic is very serious, an «unprecedented» attack. I would like the Prime Minister to speak out and distance herself from that attack. We do it by thanking the President of the Republic.” The secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, said this at the rally in Testaccio, in Rome. «We have never seen such an attack on Republic Day. I hope that Salvini distances himself as soon as possible from what Borghi said” added Schlein to Zona Bianca, on Rete 4.

Conte: asking Mattarella to resign is serious and unworthy

«It is an unworthy controversy, requesting the resignation of President Mattarella is something that cannot be commented on, so serious and so inconclusive» said the president of the M5s Giuseppe Conte in Foggia. Conte added that «an electoral campaign, however loud one may raise its tone and one may even act instrumentally, does not justify such a request. President Mattarella said some obvious things. We are in Europe and we simply need to go to Europe with our heads held high and not like this government which accepted the Franco-German proposal which even involves cuts of 13 billion a year”

Tajani: solidarity with Mattarella for the attacks received

If the Brothers of Italy are silent, Forza Italia leader Antonio Tajani’s distancing from the League should be recorded in the centre-right. «We are Italian and European, this is our identity. This is our civilization. Every anti-European choice is harmful for Italy. Mattarella is right to underline our European perspective. I express my solidarity with him for the attacks he has received.” Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani wrote it on X.

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