Fusilli: more services at our hospital, no more bell towers – Pescara

Fusilli: more services at our hospital, no more bell towers – Pescara
Fusilli: more services at our hospital, no more bell towers – Pescara

PESCARA. To the other three mayoral candidates, Gianluca Fusilli of the United States of Europe proposes «a gentleman’s pact»: «Whoever wins the elections», he says, «from 10 June, must commit to the recognition of the second level DEA at the Pescara hospital. I hope that the other candidates are not influenced by the provincial constituencies.”
Fusilli’s proposal is formalized in a written commitment: the first signature is already there at the bottom. The Dea is the Emergency Acceptance Department which, based on the Lorenzin decree, can be established for every 60 thousand-120 thousand inhabitants. Contested between Pescara and Chieti, the Dea in Abruzzo has so far never been awarded. «A second-level Goddess», explains the former parliamentarian, «will save the lives of many people and solve the problem of journeys of hope. He is a duty and a right.” Fusilli launches an appeal to the president of the Abruzzo region Marcus Marsilio: «Marsilio must take responsibility for interrupting the time of chatter».
Fusilli, whoever will be the next mayor, asks for a commitment: «First, start an institutional and polite negotiation with the Region and then, if that isn’t enough, a cogent stance even if I hope it won’t be necessary to take legal action. The second level DEA can only be established in Pescara: there isn’t much choice and unpacking is useless and risky.” No parochial reasoning, warns Fusilli: «All regions have it except Abruzzo which, with a resolution of the regional council of 13 December 2023, postponed its identification for three years. On March 29, Marsilio recognized that a possible government commissioner would identify the Pescara hospital as the seat of a second-level DEA, issuing statements which”, he concludes, “demonstrate an absolute lack of technical knowledge of the topic”. (pl)

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