First Prize in the “The colors of life” competition in San Giuliano di Puglia

First Prize in the “The colors of life” competition in San Giuliano di Puglia
First Prize in the “The colors of life” competition in San Giuliano di Puglia

My name is Simone Cialdella, I’m 16 years old, I’m from Corato and I attend the 3rd B of Human Sciences at the “Oriani” high school. Yesterday, accompanied by my mother and father, I went to San Giuliano di Puglia to collect the 1st prize in the “Graphic works” section of the “The colors of life” competition. The competition is held every year to remember the tragedy of the collapse of the “Jovine” school which occurred during the earthquake of 31 October 2002 and in which 27 children and their teacher died.
The awards ceremony, which took place in the new school building, was very beautiful and exciting, both because there were many schools, not only Italian but also foreign, and because, when I went up on stage to collect the award given to me by the principal Prof. Giovanna Fantetti, I had to talk about my work. And this embarrassed me quite a bit.
In my free time I like to paint, because it is relaxing and fun. A few months ago I painted on a small canvas a field of poppies that I saw during a bike ride. I was struck by that explosion of colours: there were many yellow and red flowers, the blue sky with white clouds, and the effect seemed so beautiful to me because it gave such a strong idea of ​​peace and serenity that I tried to redo it on the canvas.
In my school, thanks to the input of the director, prof. Francesco Catalano, we always participate in many initiatives and competitions. A few months ago the Italian teacher and the Art History teacher, after seeing my work, encouraged me to send it to the competition. Last week, when they told me that I had won 1st prize in the “Graphics” section, I was really happy. Many classmates and professors congratulated me and this was really very exciting, but the best thing is that the €300 prize has to be spent entirely on my class. I haven’t really decided what to do yet, but I would like to go to the theater with my classmates or even buy some books for the school library. Yesterday, during the awards ceremony, I thought that the pain for the victims of the collapse could perhaps be softened to a small extent by the awareness that, in many places, even very far from San Giuliano di Puglia, there are boys and girls who know that tragedy and with their work they are committed to ensuring that it is not forgotten.
And just as they had the strength to roll up their sleeves and start again stronger than before, so we can all find new life to improve as much as possible.
Simone Cialdella, 3rd B SU Liceo “Oriani

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