Imola celebrated June 2, ‘Republic Day’

The ceremony organized by the Municipality of Imola to celebrate 2 June, Republic Day, took place in the late afternoon today. At the opening of the ceremony, Mayor Marco Panieri placed a laurel wreath on the plaque bearing it the Roll of Honor of those decorated for military valor and war merit of the Municipalities of Imola, Borgo Tossignano, Casalfiumanese, Castel del Rio, Castel Guelfo, Dozza, Fontanelice, Mordano from the annexation of Romagna to the Kingdom of Italy (1860) until the end of the second world war (1945). The plaque is placed halfway up the noble staircase of the Town Hall.

Present were the civil and military authorities, representatives of the Carabinieri, the State Police, the Financial Police, the local Police, the Fire Brigade and the armed and partisan associations, together with the vice president of the City Council , Nicolas Vacchi, the vice mayor Fabrizio Castellari, the councilors Pierangelo Raffini and Daniela Spadoni, the senator Daniele Manca and some city councilors.

Once the wreath was laid and ‘Il Silenzio’ was performed by Celio Regoli, trumpeter of the Imola Philharmonic, those present went to the municipal council room, where the speech of the mayor Marco Panieri took place. Immediately afterwards, the mayor delivered a copy of the Italian Constitution to the young citizens of Imola who turned 18 or will turn 18 in 2024. There were one hundred and twenty eighteen-year-olds present, who received a copy of the Constitution.

Due to the risk of bad weather, the previously announced concert by the Imola Philharmonic, scheduled for Piazza Matteotti, was not held.

We remember that this morning the mayor Marco Panieri participated in the official celebration organized by the Municipality of Bologna, in Piazza San Domenico, in Bologna, in the presence of the Prefect and the mayor of Bologna.

Speech by Mayor Marco Panieri, delivered in the City Council Room (full text)

Dear fellow citizens, civil, military and religious authorities,

I am happy to return to share with all of you, together, as a Community, the meaning and meaning of Republic Day.

Today we celebrate the day in which, 78 years ago, Italians chose to give life to the Italian Republic with a popular referendum, in which for the first time women were also able to take part, who participated in large numbers.

A year ago we were still affected by the terrible floods of May and were struggling to return to normality, accompanying citizens and families in difficulty. We continue to carry those days in our hearts, the commitment at all levels of the institutions, of the police forces, of the volunteers and of each of us, the resilience of a territory, the generosity of many who made the difference in those hours . Although it is still an open wound, which is struggling to heal, on that occasion we experienced first-hand, thanks also to you, the spirit of the Republic and what it means to feel part of a national community.

If we felt the strength and closeness of the Republic, it was also thanks to the Head of State, Sergio Mattarella, whom we would like to thank again for his tireless commitment to serving Italy, but also to our young. To the young people who are committed to their community, who study, who live their lives, who are and have been a great source of pride for all of us and represent a guarantee for the present and future of the Republic.

As a young Mayor, I am happy that today there are young citizens of Imola who have turned or will turn 18 this year, in 2024. Dear girls and boys, you have long been an integral part of our City and represent a precious part of our collective life, now with age you have become authentic protagonists and co-responsible for the public life of the country and Europe. As the Municipality of Imola we wanted to propose this moment to give you all a copy of the Constitution, together with the families and in the setting of our Town Hall which overlooks the main square of the city dedicated to Giacomo Matteotti, whose 100th anniversary this year marks from the murder.

Why the Constitution? Because it, born from the anti-fascist Resistance and from the rubble of the Second World War and the twenty years of fascism, contains and safeguards the founding principles of our Republic. Reading it, rereading it, getting to know it, serves you as it does all adults, because it continues to remind us of the great collective values ​​for which the generations before us fought and which we must not give up: Freedom, Peace, Democracy, Equity, Solidarity, Work respect for the rights of individuals. In short, the Constitution represents the highest synthesis of our civil coexistence, of our being together. And why a delivery? Not only to give the opportunity to know it and read it, but because the idea of ​​”handing it over”, of offering it, represents a profound gesture of transmission, of passage between generations that wants to invite you to be, all of you and all of us, guardians and heirs of what has been and of everything that our Constitution represents. Do it on June 2nd, Republic Day which celebrates its birth 78 years later, gives even more value to this moment.

Together with the Republic, the European Union it represents for us the greatest historical legacy of the twentieth century and it should contribute to the search for peace and well-being among nations. In the words of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, “it itself is – for us – the daughter of the republican choice. Europe is the fulfillment of national destiny. It is a place and garrison of democratic sovereignty. An oasis of peace in a world of wars and tensions.” Europe itself, in fact, must be an actor capable of projecting peace, stability and development at a global level. I think of Ukraine, still brutally attacked by Russia, or of the Middle East, in the ferocious clashes that have taken place, from the terrible attack of 7 October by Hamas to the enormous suffering of the Palestinian people.

In a national and international context of great challenges and uncertainty, the Republic can maintain its solidity thanks to the fundamental principles that founded it and the commitment of each citizen and of all those, starting with the police forces, but also all public employees, from schools to healthcare, from municipalities to social services, dedicate their work and energy to the collective good. Also for this reason, Article 1 refers to work as a founding element of the country and we all know how much work involves people’s lives and dignity. It still remains an area on which to focus attention, for safe workplaces and fair pay. Unfortunately, recent episodes show us that this is not a given.

Together we must continue this long journey, knowing that the ideal is high and we are not yet where we would like to be. Although the Republic has the task of remove economic and social obstacles that limit the freedom and equality of citizens, there are old and new dynamics that influence life choices. There are still obstacles to be removed to allow them to be fully realized in the workplace and in private life. Because when the right of an individual is denied, the whole community loses.

All of us have the task of continuing to work and commit ourselves, with the numerous means and in the various contexts that are available for democratic participation in the life of the Republic. An example of this will be the vote we will be called to on June 8-9 to elect the Italian representatives to the European Parliament and in which, joining President Mattarella’s appeal, I invite you to participate.

Together, with the young people who are here today, I am sure there will be a way to cultivate these values ​​and write important new pages of growth, progress and freedom.

Best wishes to all of you and your families to meet again and experience the profound spirit of the Republic and the Constitution together. Happy June 2nd.

Long live Imola, Long live Italy! Long live the Republic!

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