Candidates compared at the Horti, the “Province” event on Tuesday

PAVIA. Four questions, the same for everyone, and two and a half minutes to answer. Then three minutes each for one last question. And a “joker” (only one each) to counter an opponent who can in turn counter-reply. It is the formula chosen by Pavia Province for the public confrontation between the five candidates for mayor of Pavia that the newspaper has organized for Tuesday (4 June) at 6pm at the Horti del Collegio Borromeo, the college park on the Lungoticino Sforza.

The title of the discussion is «2024-2029, Proposals to change Pavia. Meeting with the mayoral candidates”: Anna Ghezzi, journalist of the Pavia Province.

On the stage at the Horti del Borromeo (here the names of the mayoral candidates and the lists that support them are listed in the order in which voters will find them on the ballot paper) they will go up Francesco Grisolia of the Communist Workers’ Party; Michele Lissia (supported by the lists of the Green and Left Alliance, Italia Viva, Citizens for Pavia, Pavia in Color, Action, Let’s Center, the 5 Star Movement and the Democratic Party); Alessandro Cantoni (supported by the Prima Pavia, Ideal Pavia, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia and Lega lists); Paolo Walter Cattaneo of Communist Refoundation and Francesco Signorelli of Power to the people.

The formula

The mayoral candidates will be asked four questions (the same for everyone) following, at the beginning of the comparison, the order in which voters will find them on the ballot paper on 8 and 9 June (the same as previously reported).

The next questions will begin to be answered by the person who answered the first one second, then the third and so on.

Each of the candidates will have two and a half minutes available for each of the answers.

One joker each

Once (and only once) during the entire match, each candidate will be able to use a “joker”, replying (in just one minute) to a statement made by an opponent. One (and only one) rejoinder of another minute is allowed to the candidate called into question with the joker.

Once the four questions have been completed (which we remember will be the same for all participants in the comparison) each candidate will have three minutes available for the final question.

The text of the public discussion that will take place at the Horti del Borromeo (remember, Tuesday 5 June starting from 6 pm) will be reported on the Pavia Province on newsstands Wednesday 5 June, the day after the public debate.

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