Jean Daniel Pession and Elisa Arlian, the mountaineers who died on Mount Zerbion

Jean Daniel Pession and Elisa Arlian, the mountaineers who died on Mount Zerbion
Jean Daniel Pession and Elisa Arlian, the mountaineers who died on Mount Zerbion

They loved the mountains, the mountains united them, the mountains mourn them. They died together as they had almost reached the top of Mount Zerbion, at 2700 meters above sea level, which is located in the center of the Aosta Valley.

And since it became known that they were from Jean Daniel Pession28 years old and his girlfriend Elisa Arlianof 27, the bodies recovered yesterday by the Aosta Valley mountain rescue, the skiing world was in deep mourning, between pain and dismay for the two young lives shattered during a trip to a mountain near home, which they knew well .

Who was Jean Daniel

They were both ski instructors. Jean Daniel Pession, nicknamed “Janda” by his friends, was a champion and belonged to the World Cup ski team. He had obtained fifteenth place in the 2021 world cup rankings and placed 22nd at the 2022 world championships. After completing the alpine ski training course, graduating in 2015, he taught in the ski school in Antagnod. He had chosen to abandon alpine skiing competitions to dart into speed skiing and join the national team. But his passion for the mountains was so great that he had chosen to dedicate himself fully to her: he wanted to become a mountain guide, and he was already an “aspiring”.

Who was Elisa

Elisa Arlian was also an athlete: she worked as a teacher in the valley above Nus and was also a coach at the ski club, obtaining a second level qualification. She had spent years competing with the Saint Barthélemy ski club, and then preferred cross-country skiing (in 2021 she took her final exams). From next autumn you should have joined the teaching staff of the master training courses. She not only loved skiing, but also running, especially trails and verticals, also taking part in several competitions.


They found them still tied up, they had fallen about 700 meters. They hadn’t returned from the trip and the alarm had gone off. The Financial Police helicopter locked onto the signal of one of their cell phones, and so they were identified.

The reactions

“A terrible tragedy strikes the world of winter sports and in particular speed skiing – Fisi wrote in a note – the president Flavio Roda and the entire federation express their condolences to the Pession family for this tragic misfortune”.

“Valle d’Aosta loses two of its young sons, mountain professionals in love with sport and life. A tragedy for the entire Aosta Valley community that gathers around family members and many friends” the president of the Region Renzo Testolin reminds them, together with the regional councilor for sport Giulio Grosjacques and the regional government.

“Two young lives broken by an accident in the mountains – adds the president of the Valle council Alberto Bertin – that mountain which was their passion. In this moment of profound sadness we express our closeness to families, friends and the entire sporting community, holding ourselves close to them with affection and passion.” While for Giuseppe Obert, president of the Val d’Ayas rescue volunteer association of which Jan was one of the members: “despite Jean Daniel being very busy, especially in winter, he was always available to cover the shifts”.

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