video from the War Memorial for Republic Day

video from the War Memorial for Republic Day
video from the War Memorial for Republic Day

As expected, also ad Andriaon the morning of Sunday 2 June 2024 public initiatives were held on the occasion of 78th Anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian Republic. In the Frederick city, the celebration of the Republic Day began at 10.30 am at the War Memorial of the City of Andria with the solemn Flag Raising Ceremony, followed by the deposition of the Crown in honor of the Fallen of all wars. In addition to the Mayor of Andria, lawyer. Giovanna Brunothe Honorable Dr. also participated in the Ceremony Mariangela Materathe Prefect of Barletta-Andria-Trani, Dr Silvana D’Agostino, the Mayors of the Municipalities of Barletta and Trani, together with the provincial and local civil and military authorities:

“Today we remember not only the value of those who wanted the Republic at all costs, even putting their own lives at stake, but above all those jurists and those men of the institutions who returned their children to Italy and to Italians a home in which to meet again to share rights and duties. Those founding fathers, those men of the institutions of 1946, had staked everything on a new season, giving us much more than the hope of a better future. They had given us the legal bases to build the stable palace of our democracy! Today that building, with a still enviable and envied design, needs maintenance that is not based on the dismemberment of walls built with difficulty. Today that building needs guardians. Of women and men ready to look to the future with the awareness of the cost and value of that building that the builders built with sacrifice and effort. Happy Republic Day. W Italy!” – is the message from the Mayor of Andria – Giovanna Bruno – spread on social media. In this regard, below is the link to the video edited by

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