«A blessing from God, it’s a big celebration at home»

Simona has the radiant smile of new mothers: in fact, she was born on May 31st Naomi, his tenth daughter. A record for Gorgo al Monticano, in the province of Treviso, but also for the entire region, where the average number of children per woman, according to Istat, is 1.27, above the national average of 1.24.

«A blessing»

Mother Simona Bogdan Cretu is 32 years old and father Ionut Bogdan Cretu is 40: their first child was born in 2010 and, since then, every one or two years, the stork brought a total of four little brothers and six little sisters. «Children are a blessing – explains the mother, celebrating – we move forward with God’s help». Originally from Romania, but resident in Veneto for 15 years, they are evangelical and always have accepted every pregnancy as a gift. «At our side are our friends from the Evangelical Church of Mansuè» specifies the father.

The latest arrival

Little Naomi was born on May 31st, shortly after 7pm, in the Oderzo hospital, where all the children of the Bogdan Cretu family were born. At the time of her birth, she weighed around 3.5kg and tomorrow, June 2, she may be ready to go home with her mum. «All the children are happy –
continues Ionut – and they can’t wait to meet little Naomi and hug their mother again.”

Only one salary, house in the countryside

As regards the organization of daily life, no apparent problem: they live on their father’s salary, worker in a furniture company, in a large house in the countryside. «Maybe we’ll have to find a bigger one, we’ll see» admits Simona, leaving no room for worry or for her joy in the moment to be tarnished. «Ours is a great fortune – concludes the husband -. We believe and are grateful for the blessing we are experiencing.”

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