Ferrara weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 3 June


The weather forecast in Ferrara for Monday 3 June show a start to the day characterized by light and moderate rain, with cloud cover that will be around 90%. Temperatures will remain around +15°C during the night and will gradually rise to +18°C during the morning.

During morning, light rain will continue to affect the city with cloud cover remaining around 100%. Temperatures will fluctuate between +15°C and +18°C, with winds coming from the West – North West with variable intensity.

In the afternoon, the weather situation in Ferrara will improve slightly, with a decrease in cloud cover of around 90% and rains that will ease. Temperatures will rise to +23°C, with winds rotating from West to South West.

In evening, the sky will clear of clouds and the probability of precipitation will be very low, around 1%. Temperatures will be around +16°C, with winds blowing from the South West.

Based on the weather forecast for the next few days in Ferrara, we can observe an improvement in atmospheric conditions with a gradual increase in temperatures and a decrease in precipitation. However, it is advisable to stay updated on the weather forecast for any sudden changes.

All weather data for Monday 3 June in Ferrara

Complete weather forecast for Ferrara

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