Buldog Lucrezia, reconfirmed as guide mister Elia Renzoni, “Proud”

The Bulldog Lucrezia starts again from Mister Elia Renzoni. Confirmed also for the next sporting season, therefore, is the coach who has been following the “cagnacci” since 2020. «I feel extremely happy and proud to be reconfirmed at the helm of Buldog Lucrezia» comments mister Renzoni immediately.

And again: «the season that has just ended was a very intense and difficult one but I am happy to have achieved salvation in Serie A2 and to be able to continue working for a team that I care a lot about». Renzoni also sets the objectives for the next sporting year. «Our main objective for next season is to continue to improve as a team and try to obtain better and better results» he explains. «In order to be competitive in every match and compete for more ambitious goals, we know that we must grow on all fronts, planning the team and the organization of the technical and managerial staff well» he underlines. But “we are ready to start again with great motivation and determination” and “we will do our best to give our people unforgettable emotions” he concludes.

This is a press release published on 01-06-2024 at 9.33 pm in the newspaper of 03 June 2024 – 32 readings

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