Italia Viva Forlì in pieces: 25 disavow the pro-Zattini choice of Vicini and Di Maio and say, “we are not getting on the Zattini bandwagon”

Italia Viva Forlì in pieces: 25 disavow the pro-Zattini choice of Vicini and Di Maio and say, “we are not getting on the Zattini bandwagon”
Italia Viva Forlì in pieces: 25 disavow the pro-Zattini choice of Vicini and Di Maio and say, “we are not getting on the Zattini bandwagon”

The Forlì leaders of Italia Viva have chosen Zattini. And they did so blatantly in recent days when Professor Claudio Vicini, who in 2020 had been part of Bonaccini’s list in the Italia Viva quota, went on to give full support to Gian Luca Zattini as a consultant and advisor on health matters, the matter of he. Concerted move and presented together with the deus ex machina of Renzi’s party in Forlì: Marco Di Maio. These are the leaders. But the base? This will be better understood from the outcome of the vote, there is certainly great unease and not from today in the Renzian party. And 25 exponents of that party today draw up a very harsh document against Vicini and Di Maio and, nevertheless, they say, they remain in Italy Viva and in the European elections they vote for the United States of Europe. But in Forlì they are with Graziano Rinaldini on the RinnoviAmo Forlì list. But let’s get to the text.

“We learn that during a press conference Prof. Claudio Vicini and the former Honorable Marco Di Maio expressed their support for Zattini’s candidacy. We must be honest, Vicini’s rapprochement with the outgoing Mayor supported by a coalition with Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia, Popolo della Famiglia and Forlì Cambia surprises us a bit. Politically we had met and supported him during the 2020 electoral campaign when he was the top candidate in the Civic List “Bonaccini Presidente”, an electoral campaign in which we worked with passion and determination, missing the finish line by a handful of votes. Even his lack of willingness to run for Mayor with the Center Left, motivated as a lack of skills and characteristics adequate to fill the role, had convinced us, indeed, had made us appreciate his respect for the institutions. But if the respect had been full and the competition open “between two high-level people like Zattini and Rinaldini” (in his words) we would have expected a neutral and above-parties position. Instead, support has arrived for the reconfirmation of the outgoing Mayor. However, we are not surprised by the recognition that Mayor Zattini gave to Marco Di Maio as his “valuable advisor and friend”, on the contrary, it confirms the perception that, unfortunately, we had had for some time, always denied by the person directly involved and by his loyalists . But ultimately all truths are bound to come to light.” Thus a letter-document signed by 25 exponents of Italia Viva Forlì: Massimo Marchi outgoing city councilor, Francesca Resta, Mauro Callegari, Andrea Laghi, Enzo Prati, Anna Cicognani, Silvia Ferrando, Franca Patuelli, Loretta Fiorentini, Ornella Cicognani, Morena Ricci, Amal Berrite, Maurizio Vitali, Lorenzo Grilli, Fabio Paolini, Roberta Coliola, Daniele Rossi, Stefano Micheli, Stefano Giunchi, Matteo Baldi Pardi, Donatella Pessina, Francesco Lucio Formica, Antonio Morgagni, Francesco Lucio Formica and Cristina Vespignani.

“To definitively clarify the political story of Italia Viva Forlì and the influence that the former deputy has always had on it, it is necessary to remember its history starting at least from the 2022 elections. On that occasion, as is known, the third pole obtained in Forlì an excellent result, reaching almost 10% of the votes. We asked that a new phase be opened immediately with the opening of a table that would bring together Italia Viva, Azione and all the forces that recognized themselves in that project. It was the promise we made to the voters and we had to keep it. This would have allowed us to face these administrative elections by proposing ourselves as an alternative force to both the right and the left. We also had the right and, probably, winning candidate: Marco Di Maio himself.the 25th continuesHe, however, has always refused all our requests for commitment in this sense, citing family or work reasons that did not allow him to expose himself politically. But the truth was different and today it finally manifests itself clearly: the process of building the third Forlì hub was of no interest and never started, that table was never opened, nor was there a serious debate held and transparent with members and supporters to decide the future of the Forlì party. And all this was not done simply because the decision to support Zattini had already been taken with a very few loyalists, without involving all the members of the governing bodies, without the slightest involvement of the base. Getting on the Zattinian bandwagon by jumping from one side of the political spectrum to the other without having any ethical or moral problems has recently become a very popular sport, but we, on the other hand, want to continue to live politics as a passion not as a profession. We do this by putting ourselves forward with courage and consistency, convinced of our values ​​and our ideas of offering a service for the common good of our community. For this reason, in just a few months we managed to create, together with many other friends, the civic list ‘RinnoviAmo Forlì’ which is the clear demonstration that that famous third pole is still alive and existing in society, it is enough to give it body, soul and legs.”

“Finally we want to point out that there was no “diaspora”, we are just a large group of members and supporters of Italia Viva (including the outgoing City Councilor and a former member of the National Assembly) forced by circumstances to disagree from party decisions at territorial level. No abandonment, no dispersion. We are still here working, voting and making people vote for the United States of Europe” conclude the representatives of Italia Viva.

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