Biomethane, the new project does not convince M5S and mayor Marchi

Biomethane, the new project does not convince M5S and mayor Marchi
Biomethane, the new project does not convince M5S and mayor Marchi

There was talk of the biomethane plant currently undergoing the authorization procedure in the Province on Saturday afternoon in the Cascinetto civic centre, an initiative of the mayoral candidate Paola Tacchini (5 Star Movement) in coalition with the civic list Cremona Cambia Musica (leader Francesca Berardi). With them Michel Marchi the mayor of Gerre de Capiroli, who in March 2023 brought the A2A project to public attention. “It is the first time – began Marchi – that an issue raised by the base, initiated by the appearance of a banner along Via Bosco, enters so strongly into an electoral campaign”.

Marchi then illustrated the technical steps still in progress and the observations that his Municipality and the other interested bodies are preparing in view of the next services conference scheduled for June 18th at the Environment sector of the Province. The additions made by A2A to the initial project constitute, says Marchi, a truly different project from the initial one, but are not considered sufficient to overcome the strong reservations previously expressed by the Municipalities of Gerre and Bonemerse and by the BiometaNO citizens’ committee. A position supported from the first hour by the 5 Star Movement and by candidate Tacchini, who reviewed the critical elements of an industrial plant of this magnitude. gb


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