Umbria, Gepafin approves the budget: 65.8 million Por-Fesr managed

The shareholders of the Umbrian regional financial company Gepafin, meeting in the assembly on Wednesday 29 May in Perugia, unanimously approved the company’s financial statements. This is a particularly important balance sheet, as it coincided with the closure of the Umbria Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 of the European Regional Development Fund (Por-Fesr 2014-2020). The occasion also served to take stock of the initiatives and projects implemented to support the regional economy. Speakers at the meeting included Carmelo Campagna, president of Gepafin and vice-president of the National Regional Financial Association (Anfir), who held the budget report, Donatella Tesei and Michele Fioroni, respectively president and councilor for economic development of the Umbria Region. Region which is the majority shareholder of Gepafin together with other public bodies and banking institutions present at the meeting. Starting from 2020, Gepafin’s activity – a note recalls – has seen a strong increase in financing operations and risk capital interventions, to deal with the Covid emergency, starting from the Re-Start call with 5,037 applications submitted and 1,352 loans disbursed for a total of 28.5 million euros. In addition to this, the Re-Commerce, Fly, Small, Medium, Double, Re-Start 93, Solar Attack tenders, tender for Strengthening the capital structure. These, together with the activity carried out on reinsurance, on the Umbria Research and Innovation Fund, on direct guarantees and equity and quasi-equity interventions have led to the use of approximately 60 million euros for the Umbrian productive fabric. “Extraordinary support given by the regional finance company during the pandemic”, recalled councilor Fioroni, “which will continue shortly with a new credit support instrument such as that of guarantees, in a 4.5 million euro package”. In 2023, the activities carried out with Sici, Iban, Aifi and the Umbrian Foundation for the prevention of usury continued with which Gepafin entered into an agreement in 2022. Furthermore, the specialist support of a technical-financial nature for the Umbria Region continued, both for the study of initiatives to enhance the Umbriafiere exhibition center and for the San Francesco d’Assisi airport. “The Umbria Region – explained Campagna – has given us the role of advisor to follow these two important dossiers: we followed the operation on the capital increase and on the support for the restart of the airport, and carried out a project to use the funds for the restructuring of Umbriafiere”. President Tesei then thanked the company for the work carried out in these two areas and for the fundamental role of specialist consultancy relating to the Monteluce Fund and added: “I announce to you that this morning the Regional Council has resolved the direct assignment to Gepafin of the funds relating to the new Por-Fesr 2021-2027 community programming for an amount of approximately 120 million euros, demonstrating the fundamental role given by the Umbria Region to its regional finance company in supporting businesses”. As part of the digitalisation of Gepafin, Campagna illustrated the FinTech (financial technology) project, a multilateral compensation platform between debts and credits “which was awarded – explained the president – as the most innovative project of all the regional finance companies in Italy and for which Gepafin was appointed national coordinator of Fintech in Anfir, placing Umbria as a pilot region at national level”.

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