“Overcoming the gender gap with equal pay and representation as I did in my company”

L’AQUILA – “It is sad to be forced, in 2024, to say that there is still, in Italy and in Europe, a disparity between men and women, particularly from a salary point of view. Overcoming this gap must represent a priority, and as an entrepreneur I have already done my part, obtaining gender equality certification in October 2023, adapting company welfare, both in the presence of women in the management organization chart and by guaranteeing the same equal economic treatment for men and women”. Thus the architect from L’Aquila Eliseo Iannini, Forza Italia candidate in the European elections next June in the Southern constituency, founder of the entrepreneurial group of the same name which has been operating successfully in the construction sector for decades, now passed into the hands of the second generation, in particular of his son Davide.

Iannini addresses a very much debated topic in this electoral campaign, recalling great female figures, in business and politics, to be taken as a model and point of reference.

“The first names that come to mind at the top of the European institutions are obviously the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Parliament Roberta Métsola, the President of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde, who represent the confirmation that the future can and must be a woman.”

However, Iannini is also keen to remember two great women who have left their mark in entrepreneurial and political life: “The first is Marisa Bellisario, a great company manager at Olivetti, General Electric and Italtel, who passed away due to a serious illness . And then my fellow citizen, Elena Marinucci, the first Abruzzo representative in Brussels, a very solid point of reference for decades in terms of ability and sensitivity to major issues of national and European politics”.

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