Corigliano-Rossano. Popular enthusiasm for Stasi: “Look, you don’t scare anyone!”

Flavio Stasi continues his electoral campaign dragged by the enthusiasm of his people, who at every rally and every public initiative recognize him for having regenerated in the last five years a city – Corigliano-Rossano – reduced to exhaustion and in total degradation . A popular plebiscite that continues to be repeated and which inflamed Schiavonea last night with the rally in Piazza Portofino. The attempt to go after him by his “adversary” Pasqualina Straface is decidedly ridiculous, as she is none other than the “puppet” put forward as a candidate by the unscrupulous clique that is weakening the resistance of the whole of Calabria under the command of proclaimed parasites such as the president of Region and his cronies.

Flavio Stasi has too easy a time in his rallies in all areas of the large city of Corigliano-Rossano because wherever he goes he knows what he has done and what he plans to do: the exact opposite of his opponents who can only “promise ” through the usual friends of friends and the usual chats that no longer enchant anyone. At least in these parts.

The outgoing mayor gives his best on the stages of rallies and rightly spares no effort to convey his message against cliques and the system of power. On Schiavonea, then, he has a long list of interventions already carried out that he can claim starting from the first hovels demolished with the Municipality’s bulldozers when someone still looked at him with distrust. “We have turned Schiavonea like a sock with dozens and dozens of construction sites – shouts Stasi from the stage in Piazza Portofino amidst the applause of the people -: from the sidewalks to the seafront up to the Palmeto we have restored dignity to this district thanks to the urban regeneration project which was recognized among the best 10 in all of Italy and with which we have invested 15 million. Four for collecting water after storms, 3 and a half for the Quadrato, where a service center and an outdoor shopping center will be built, 1 and a half for Piazza Santa Maria ad Nives and Taverna. Concrete facts and certainly not talk or promises. Such as the safety of the school in via Nizza and the sports facility and the heating system for the children at the Leonetti school”.

But the “heart” of the Stasi rally in Schiavonea could only concern the sea and therefore the fish market and the port. “After 12 years we sent the subsidiary company into liquidation and created the conditions for a 30-year state concession which legitimizes the presence of the Municipality in the fish market”. As for the port of Schiavonea, talking about it these days means addressing the issue of the pathetic industrial intervention project of the American multinational Baker Hughes supported by the Region.

“I still haven’t been able to understand what position they have on Baker Hughes – remarked Stasi -: as chronic incompetents they didn’t know that it was not possible to give any authorization because there is no master plan for the port or rather there is an old one, dating back to 1971 prior to law 84 of 1994 and consequently there can be no urban planning compliance and no planning. They are not even able to study and have no idea for our port. On the contrary, we have ideas: we support an intervention for pleasure and as for the industrial intervention of Baker Hughes we have argued that it is welcome only if it were to be outside the port (which Occhiuto and his gang don’t like, ed.). And we have said several times that dock 1 should host the cruise-tourist dock and dock 2 the marina. But we still haven’t understood what they propose, apart from the desire to replace the European Community for pilchards, obviously…”. Convinced laughter and applause from the square.

Stasi, as usual, doesn’t miss a beat and the Baker Hughes argument is the prelude to proudly claiming the main theme of this electoral campaign: the autonomy and freedom of Corigliano-Rossano compared to the system of power represented by the squalid figure of Occhiuto and his increasingly slimy henchmen, who Stasi defines as “Mr Yes”.

“Occhiuto likes gentlemen but I’m not. Do you know what he told me when we were discussing Baker Hughes? If you don’t tell me yes, I will come to the electoral campaign at Corigliano-Rossano and say that you are the mayor of no… Dear president, you came here to say it and no one is trembling here, nothing has changed…”. And here the applause is general complete with a stadium chant “Fla-vio; Fla-vio”. Just to see first-hand how popular the parasite Robertino is in these parts.

Stasi takes a breath and starts reeling off numbers again because we need to dismantle the Pasqualocchiutiana-driven centre-right bullshit regarding the alleged debts of his administration: “What I can tell you is that we are paying 16 million euros for fees relating to waste not paid by the previous administrations; 13 million for unpaid water fees and 8 million for unpaid electricity and gas supplies. And on the contrary, I said and will repeat again until 8 and 9 June that we have intercepted 120 million in funds for our city, 46 million for the historic centers and 15 to combat hydrogeological instability”.

Another central theme is healthcare in the time of… Occhiuto. “Instead of telling jokes – urges Stasi – Occhiuto should come and see how the emergency rooms are reduced instead of giving ‘mmas to his friends. They are doing CT scans and medical visits even on Sundays… they are moving the visits to get votes: I have never seen such squalor!”.

The grand finale is still on the freedom of the city. “Our free community scares them. All those who devastated our territory five years ago were somehow separated in the elections while today they are all together and by beating them we will sweep away 30 years of bad politics. Now not only the whole of Calabria but the whole of Southern Italy is watching us: they want to understand if five years ago our victory was just a mistake, a coincidence or luck or if we really are a free community and then we are ready to prove it to them , without being afraid of their veiled threats.” Final ovation and another fundamental step towards victory while Occhiuto and Straface are increasingly nervous and aware that on June 9th they will return home with their hands in the bag, to put it mildly.

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