a 50-year-old Italian reported

a 50-year-old Italian reported
a 50-year-old Italian reported

After a week of investigations, the Carabinieri of Calcinate and Bergamo identified and reported the person responsible for the fire at the Islamic center of Montello which occurred on 24 June. This is a 50 year old Italian.

Frame of the Bergamo Carabinieri video which immortalizes the person responsible for the fire at the Islamic center of Montello (Bergamo Carabinieri photo)

I had attempted to set fire to a Islamic Center Pakistani Of Montelloin the province of Bergamo, also writing about offensive phrases on the wall of the building: “No more dead mosques mayor”. No one knew who was responsible for this violent act committed on Last June 24th. Today, the Calcinate police managed to identify him, above all thanks to the cameras that filmed the action. It is a 50 year old Italian worker who was reported on charges of having the fire started. At the moment, the man is at large.

What happened at the Islamic center of Montello on June 24th

On the evening of June 24th, a man in his car approaches the Pakistani Islamic center of Montello, in via IV Novembre. It has the face covered by a helmet and of tanks in hand. Once he arrives at the entrance to the centre, he begins to spread petrol and ethyl alcohol. Then, he sets everything on fire. Fortunately, the person in charge of the mosque was able to immediately put out the flames which only damaged the doormat and the umbrella stand at the entrance. He then called the police.

The Carabinieri of Calcinate, with the support of the operational section of the Carabinieri of Bergamo, arrived on the scene and conducted the surveys. Shortly after, they found, a few steps away from the structure, also a written on the wall: “Montello no more mosques, mayor dead”. Thanks to the testimonies of the residents (very concerned and alarmed by the incident) and to thecamera analysis present in the area, the carabinieri managed to identify the person responsible after a week of investigation.

Crushed by a tree he was cutting: a 23-year-old boy in the Bergamo area is seriously injured

The identification and reporting of the person responsible

It is a 50 year old Italian worker which was reported. In his home they found the clothes the man was wearing that day and the can containing petrol used to set fire to the Islamic centre. He has been reported on the loose on charges of having the entrance to the mosque was damaged of the Pakistani community of Montello.

At the end of the operation, the carabinieri who conducted the investigations thanked the citizens of Montello for their collaboration and reaffirmed their constant commitment to protecting safety and combating all forms of violence and intolerance. “Social cohesion and mutual respect are values ​​to be protected to ensure peaceful and harmonious coexistence within each community“, they said at the end of the investigation.

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