Student raped after disco party

Bologna, 27 May 2024 – He remembers nothing of the night. Just having spent the evening in the disco and having met outside the club, in the center, a man. And then the darkness. As long as the girl, one student twenty-two year old South American in Bologna in OverSeasshe didn’t find herself alone, without undergarmentson the street when it was already daylight.

The Carabinieri of the Bologna Centro company are investigating on sexual violence to the detriment of the girl, which occurred in the night between Friday and Saturday. The twenty-two year old, who when she began to understand what was around her again, asked for help from a friend with whom she had gone to the Erasmus evening, was accompanied at the Sant’Orsola polyclinic. It was the doctors who alerted the Army soldiers when they began to sense it what had happened to the girl.

Which was then transferred to the Maggiore hospital, to be subjected to the Eva Protocol testsfor the victims of sexual violence. Investigations that have given positive feedback and that have triggered the Code red. The young woman, who does not yet speak Italian well, was listened to by the soldiers, to whom she described what she remembered of the evening. A testimony that ends immediately after leaving the nightclub and meeting the man.

It is therefore not excluded, and the police will try to ascertain it, that the girl may have assumed, unconsciously, some substance that made her lose awareness of what was happening. They will also have to be acquire the images taken from the premises’ video surveillance systems, which may have filmed the young woman together with the person who, at the moment, is presumed to be her attacker.

An ugly affair, on which the military they are now trying to shed light. An episode that is not isolated in the city, where complaints of sexual violence and gender crimes in general show no signs of decreasing. A circumstance that is reflected in the fact that Bologna always places at the top in the dramatic ranking of sexual violence, a podium from which the objective is to get off as soon as possible.

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