it is in ninth place in Italy. For three people 583 euros more per year

it is in ninth place in Italy. For three people 583 euros more per year
it is in ninth place in Italy. For three people 583 euros more per year

PADUA – The most evident surge concerns theolive oil: +46% compared to last year. Significant increases also for insurance (+18%), transport (again +18%), barbers (+15%) and fresh fruit (+14%). The ranking drawn up byNational Consumers Union sees Padua in ninth place in Italy for increase in cost of living considering the inflation recorded in the city, equal to +1.8% compared to 2023. The ranking is based on the numbers for the month of March.

Translating the increase in prices into euros, this data means that for a family unit with two members the annual expenditure increases by 432 euros. For a family with three members it goes up to 583 euros and for a family of four people it goes up to 657 euros more.

The UNC, National Consumers Union, is an association recognized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies. It has drawn up the ranking of the Italian cities with the greatest increase in the cost of living, with Rimini in first place with inflation at 2.5% and 679 euros more per year for a family of two. In second place we find Naples and then Parma. The top ten positions are completed by Brindisi, Venice (+474 euros), Benevento, Pordenone, Padua and Trieste.
On the opposite side of the ranking here are three cities in deflation. Prices are decreasing on average in Imperia (-0.3% with a saving of 67 euros compared to last year), Pescara and Campobasso.
At the top of the ranking of the regions with the greatest increases is precisely the Veneto which records 399 euros on an annual basis. Campania follows, Friuli third. The regions with the best data are Molise and Valle d’Aosta with zero inflation.

According to Istat data, at a national level one in three families considers their economic situation to have worsened compared to the previous year. «It is a serious and worrying fact – comments Massimiliano Dona, president of the National Consumers Union -. Between inflation and high bills, 2022 was theannus horribilis for Italian families. The fact that in 2023 for a third of families the economic situation has still worsened is a decidedly alarming fact.”

Ascom Confcommercio processed the Istat data from a Padua perspective, based on the analyzes carried out by the trade association at a national level and on the monthly reports published by the Municipality of Padua. The average annual inflation of 2023 saw Padua stand at 5.7%: a figure exactly in line with the Italian average. In March 2024, while inflation in Italy marked +1.2%, Padua rose to +1.8%. A value equal to Venice but higher than Vicenza (1.7%), Treviso (+1.5%), Rovigo (+1.4%), Verona and Belluno (both with +1.3%). Here is the 2023 scenario painted by traders: packaged bread +15%; meats +7%; fish and fishery products +7.5%; milk, cheese and eggs +11%; oils and fats +21% (but olive oil +31.5%); fruit +9%; fruit and vegetables +12%; sugar chocolate confectionery +8%; coffee, tea and cocoa +5%; mineral waters and soft drinks +11%.

In the comparison between March 2023 and March 2024 the Padua data are above the national average for food and non-alcoholic drinks. As can be seen in the table, baby food (+12%), electrician services (+7%), garage rental (+12%) and jewelery (+13%) also stand out for their significant increases. . As for bars and restaurants we are at +4%. After the skyrocketing prices of a year ago, electricity bills (-31%) and gas (-8%) are decreasing.


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