Pesaro, May 28th lectio magistralis by Fabrizio Battistelli

The event, as part of the “Incontri Capitali” exhibition, will be held at Palazzo Gradari

PESARO – The reasons for war and the reasons for peace: it will be dedicated to the theme ‘Peace or clash of civilisations?’ there lectio magistralis by Fabrizio Battistelli scheduled for Tuesday 28 May in Pesaro as part of the ‘Capital Encounters’ exhibition (Palazzo Gradari, 6.30 pm).

Battistelli is a professor of sociology, president of the Olivieri-Biblioteca e Musei Oliveriani and founder of the Disarmament Archive international research institute. His lecture will start from an analysis of the current international situation compromised by two major conflicts, one in the heart of Europe and the other a short distance from the Italian coasts. A framework in which the threat to peace and the deterioration of international relations are looming phenomena, whose shadows lengthen dangerously even within individual European states. Starting from the reasons for conflict, Battistelli’s reflection intends to arrive at a greater understanding of the problems and the identification of the factors that can lead to the development of non-violent solutions for ongoing conflicts in public opinion. Until the construction of a peace scenario.

Palazzo Gradari will also host the next ‘Capital Encounters’ events: Romana Petri is expected on Thursday 30 May and will present her latest novel ‘Tutto su noi’ (Mondadori) in dialogue with the writer and literary critic Giulia Ciarapica (6.30 pm); Friday 31st scheduled meeting with Jacopo Fo who will propose a lectio magistralis on the theme ‘The science of jesters’ (5.30 pm)

The event is promoted by Pesaro 2024 – Italian Capital of Culture and created with the collaboration of Passaggi Cultura. Complete program and updates on

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