Terni mourns Andrea Zucchini, who flew to heaven at the age of 33. Farewell to San Gabriele on Monday

Terni mourns Andrea Zucchini, who flew to heaven at the age of 33. Farewell to San Gabriele on Monday
Terni mourns Andrea Zucchini, who flew to heaven at the age of 33. Farewell to San Gabriele on Monday

26 May 2024 9.24pm

Andrea Zucchini

Deep condolences in Terni for the passing of a 33-year-old boy, Andrea Zucchini, who was struck by an illness on Saturday evening which unfortunately left him with no escape. Many messages of closeness which in these hours have reached his loved ones and the people closest to Andrea, such as the Biscetti family: the young man was engaged to Valentina, daughter of Fabio, a well-known professional, politician and great fan of Ternana Calcio. Ternana itself, through its president Nicola Guida, warmly embraces «the friend and manager of relations with the institutions of the Ternana Clubs Coordination Center, Fabio Biscetti, who yesterday, suddenly, lost his daughter Valentina’s partner, Andrea. From all of us, our deepest condolences to Fabio, his daughter Valentina and the entire Biscetti family.” But messages also come from the Coni of Terni, through the president Fabio Moscatelli, from the Cctc, from the associations Il Sogno di Rebecca and Luce per Terni, the latter through its president Erika Lucci. It’s hard to find the words in a moment like this. Many will be on Monday in the church of San Gabriele dell’Addolorata – via Mozzoni – in Terni, to say their final goodbyes to the 33-year-old. The funeral will be held at 3.30 pm.

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