final party for the Campagna Amica project

Over 700 students who participated in the 2024 edition of the Coldiretti Forlì-Cesena Rimini Friendly Countryside Education project competed in the awards ceremony which took place on Thursday at Enzo Alfatti’s “La Capanna del drago” farmhouse in Forlì. Grandfather Enzo, with a small representation of students from the IC3 Giuseppe Prati “Don Pippo” school and from the Plesso Orceoli secondary school, enlivened the morning with the usual peasant activities, concluding with the formal award ceremony for the winning classes, who created lively ceramic tiles and digital works.

The initiative has seen Coldiretti and the “Coldiretti Women” involved in schools of all levels for over twenty years and for the 2023/2024 school year its underlying theme was the value of food, expressed as knowledge of foods, production methods, seasonality, typical products of our territory, also through tastings, tastings, manipulations and first-person stories by the entrepreneurs of Donne Coldiretti.

Many activities promoted by the coordinator of Donne Coldiretti Forlì-Cesena Rimini Monica Rapellini and supported by the manager Silvia Lanzi: interventions in classes, nursery schools and even in nurseries but also in primary and secondary schools, with projects designed specifically to inspire interest and participation: from the planting of a fruit tree, to the approach to the dog, from the conference on nutrition and agriculture to the presentation of the garden tutor, all the moments always met with the right and hoped for success.

“We wanted to reward originality and color – comments the head of Donne Coldiretti, Silvia Lanzi – in the educational path that allowed us to enter the schools of our province, so we gave formal recognition to the classes present today, spending the morning in one of the farmhouses of the Terranostra circuit the Agriturismi di Campagna Amica “La capanna del Drago”, thanking children and teachers for their participation and for having thus once again confirmed the value of Made in Italy”. In addition to the awards ceremonies, there were also games, entertainment and a tasty snack for everyone.

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