“It interprets political practice as a game of convenience”

“The announcement that Gianfranco Rotondi wanted to deliver to the city of Avellino constitutes yet another turn on himself made by a character who increasingly shows that he interprets political practice as a game of convenience in defense of his own intentions. After having animated the attempt to bring Rino Genovese to the office of mayor of Avellino and having been solemnly defeated in the first round, he now says he wants to support Laura Nargi in the run-off on Sunday and Monday. “Because it is in Avellino’s interests”, he adds: in reality it is only in his interests, which are interests of pure survival in the attempt to reposition himself as a pseudo protagonist in a scenario from which he was promptly rejected. Forced into exile, as he repeats.
From this exile he returned wearing the role of the man of the right. Elected to the Chamber for Brothers of Italy. Thus usurping the political tradition of which he also claims to be an interpreter: of democratic Catholicism and even of the Christian Democratic-based Left. He had already received harsh and scathing criticism from those who – Gerardo Bianco – were considered his political father when he sided with Rocco Buttiglione and Silvio Berlusconi: who knows today what the founder of the PPI would say when faced with the choice made, of to support a coalition that is attacking the South and democracy through differentiated autonomy and the premiership and to promote the candidate who is the symbol of one of the worst civil seasons that the city of Avellino has experienced.
The time has come to reveal all of Gianfranco Rotondi’s political tricks. The Avellino community will be able to ask themselves what role, what function and how effective his presence has within the governing majority representing the territory where he was elected. He will be able to verify the occasions in which as a member of the national Parliament he expressed himself in defense of the interests of Avellino and Irpinia and – if he had done so – with what results. You will be able to remember the names, faces and words of the members of the executive who participated in public demonstrations in the city, committing themselves to building a better future together. Minimal effort: there was none.
The truth is that Gianfranco Rotondi considers Avellino and Irpinia exclusively as a pawn to be used at his games table. For him it is a means, not an end. He uses it, he doesn’t love it. This is one more reason to reject it definitively. And with him Laura Nargi”.

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