‘I don’t look at anyone, only those who deserve play’

(By Anthony Carrano). A real youth sector: exactly what Taranto has lacked in the last decade. In this regard, in the last few hours something has been moving on the organization of next season, which will necessarily have to repair the recent disasters. Blunote interviewed Pietro Armenise, the leading candidate for the future management of young people from Taranto.

The circle of candidates is narrowing, at what point is the discussion with the president of Taranto, Massimo Giove?

“We have known each other with the president for more than four years: we met through a friend from Taranto and he immediately liked my ideas. Last year I also spoke to Ezio Capuano because, wanting to organize the youth sector, he asked me to help him with some players, but in the end nothing came of it. Recently, after having lunch with the president, we talked about the youth sector which he intends to completely reorganise. He immediately seemed enthusiastic about the report I presented. There are serious problems related to the structures, which we will try to overcome”l

How much is the club willing to invest to reorganize the youth sector?

“I made it clear to the president that there are expenses to be faced, but we didn’t focus on the economic discussion, we only talked about how to organize ourselves”

His ideas?

“Unfortunately, no one in the South thinks about it, this is the truth. I compare myself with realities in the North which are clearly superior to those in the South. I want to give the kids a sense of belonging: those who will be part of the youth sector must understand what it means to wear the Taranto shirt, especially now that the senior team is in Serie C: if you don’t produce young players who make you profit, it becomes tough. We need a sense of belonging by redeveloping the football territory by creating synergies even with the smaller teams. For me, affiliations don’t exist, collaborations are more useful.”

By the way, can I make a clarification?

“I want to clarify that I won’t bring anyone from Bari, I want local people. It was right to focus on this point because I read something like this on social media.”

In recent times, the youth sector has been more of a burden than a resource for Taranto, your opinion on recent management?

“I understand the presidents because there is very little help to help the younger ones grow: with limited resources we risk putting the local talents aside. Unfortunately, many Serie C clubs play with young players from other teams on loan without being able to build at home.”

If you were to be the chosen one, will it mean that finally those who deserve it will play in Taranto?

I don’t look anyone in the face: I don’t care if someone is someone else’s friend. In the past, I happened to let a boy play, but when I discovered that his father had contributed financially he never took the field again. It is not right to take away the jobs of those who are good, but who do not have the financial resources to compete: this story must end. My goal is to develop good players for the first team, with me whoever plays must have a future perspective. I’m not making fun of people, once on the green rectangle the facts must speak. My son, for example, plays Belluno, but only once he signed up did my friend the president know that he was my son.”

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