Vicenza, violent hailstorm whitens the streets of Agugliaro: “Never seen something like this”. Serious damage in the countryside

Vicenza, violent hailstorm whitens the streets of Agugliaro: “Never seen something like this”. Serious damage in the countryside
Vicenza, violent hailstorm whitens the streets of Agugliaro: “Never seen something like this”. Serious damage in the countryside

Rome, 25 May. (Adnkronos) – “In our experience we have seen it firsthand: respecting the environment with cutting-edge and safe production cycles, limiting waste, minimizing impacts on biodiversity by preserving ecosystems, continuously investing in R&I, is the way to win on global markets”. This was stated by Diana Bracco, President and CEO of the Bracco Group, speaking at the Trento Festival of Economics in the round table The circular economy, new frontier of competitiveness, opened by a dialogue between Nello Musumeci, Minister for Civil Protection and Policies of the sea and Ermete Realacci, President of the Symbola Foundation. “This is the philosophy that has allowed our Group in 97 years of history to become the world leader in diagnostic imaging with over 1.8 billion in turnover and 3,700 employees”, added Diana Bracco in her video message.

“Today business and environmental protection – he explained – must go hand in hand and to pursue this objective there are precise and very concrete strategies such as the use of primary materials obtained from renewable sources, the development of efficient processes from the from an energy perspective and the minimization of supply costs. These are things that can and must be done. We at Bracco do them. Our commitment to sustainable development, which means green chemistry and smart solutions, is in fact longstanding that already in the early Seventies, even before the approval of the Law on the protection of waters (the so-called Merli Law), my father Fulvio Bracco decided to build a pioneering – for the time – water purification plant of the Lambro river, built with the Ciba Geigy system, another characteristic feature of our sustainable commitment is the choice to never build on virgin areas (green fields) but to recover areas with a high chemical footprint”.

Our main site in Ceriano Laghetto, notes Diana Bracco, “was born in the former Acna area, on which Bracco contributed to an important environmental reclamation. Even in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, at the beginning of the 2000s, we built a modern factory 4.0 by inserting it into the historic Snia architecture in Torviscosa. Furthermore, all Bracco production facilities, in Italy but also in the rest of the world, pay particular attention to environmental impact and safety”.

The Bracco Group’s commitment to sustainable development naturally concerns above all the reduction of CO2 emissions. Recently, the company joined Renewability, the first ‘remote energy community’ model in Italy, which allows consortium members to invest in renewable plants in aggregate form and to procure the energy produced by plants owned by the consortium .

‘Circular Water 4 Healthcare’ is the title of an innovative project inspired by the circular economy promoted by Bracco and Synlab in collaboration with the Irccs Galeazzi Hospital of the San Donato Group, which anticipates the national and European directives on the treatment of hospital waste which they will come into force by 2035. The objective of the initiative, which has launched a call to aggregate start-ups, is to develop technologies for the circular management of water resources in the hospital sector with the recovery of raw materials and the activation of circular processes of reuse.

“In short, producing on the circular economy model – concluded Diana Bracco at the Trento Festival of Economics – is for us the positive response to the unfortunate culture of degrowth, because focusing on sustainability and clean technologies is the best way to create jobs lasting jobs. The worrying ideological drifts that undermine Europe’s competitiveness, endangering economic and social sustainability, must be kept in check.”

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