Monza, at the Concertozzo of ‘Elio e le Storie Tese’ and ‘Trio Medusa’ there is also PizzAut: the “Woodstock of inclusion” is underway

Monza, at the Concertozzo of ‘Elio e le Storie Tese’ and ‘Trio Medusa’ there is also PizzAut: the “Woodstock of inclusion” is underway
Monza, at the Concertozzo of ‘Elio e le Storie Tese’ and ‘Trio Medusa’ there is also PizzAut: the “Woodstock of inclusion” is underway

For two days Monza transforms into the “Woodstock of inclusion”: thanks to Elio e le Storie Tese and Trio Medusa, who for today and tomorrow have organized a maxi event dedicated to live music and social commitment to recall the public attention in particular on the rights of autistic people and their families.

We start this afternoon, with a program full of free entry activities, organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Monza and PizzAut and significantly entitled “MonzAut”: from 5pm to 7pm in Piazza dell’Arengario, in the heart of the city, they will take turns on personalities and associations on stage for a talk show dedicated to autism and autonomy, with the contribution of experts in the sector who will have the task of promoting a deeper understanding of the needs of people with disabilities and their families.

Followed by, from 7pm to 9pm, musical entertainment by the Facciavista Association, which has long been running a musical DJ set workshop aimed at autistic children.

At the same time, Facciavista will also propose a live painting in Piazza Roma at 7pm to offer a demonstration of the activities of its artistic laboratory, which is inspired by the philosophy of Renaissance workshops to create a community in which everyone’s skills meet and develop.

In the square there will also be the opportunity to dine thanks to the “Aut format” food trucks from various entities: PizzAut, SbrisolAut, IRagazzi della Luna, Tortellante, Associazione Lavorato la Luna, Gli Sgusciati (Associazione La Tenda), AutAcademy, Associazione Cascina San Vincenzo, Facciavista Association, TikiTaka network.

From 9pm to 11pm the associations will then return to the stage: “We don’t want to reveal too much, but we can anticipate that it will be a one-of-a-kind evening of entertainment” guarantee the organizers.

Tomorrow, Sunday 26 May, the party will move to the U-Power Stadium, of which AC Monza has granted the use for this special occasion: the gates will open at 2pm and from 3pm the music will begin with the Concertozzino, which will see perform the duo of singer-songwriter performers Auroro Borealo and Martelli, the comic-nonsense singer-songwriter and voice actor Fabio Celenza, the Vicenza electro-funk band I Sordi, the multi-instrumentalist Carlo Poddighe with his project “SuperEgo”, the female rock band Viadellarancio, the singer-songwriter inventor of Creepy Rock Pepp1, the “illegitimate heirs” of Elio and the Storie Tese The Pax Side of The Moon, the singer-songwriter and actress Chiara L’Altra, the singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Elton Novara and the singer and composer Caterina Comeglio.

At 9pm Elio e le Storie Tese will then take the stage for the Concertozzo at the Stadiozzo, with incursions by the Trio Medusa (tickets are available on Vivaticket and Ticketone). All while the food trucks will continue to work at full speed.

The first two editions of the Concertozzo (in 2022 and 2023) were great parties, capable of giving space to all the band’s great successes, to the irreverent performances of the Medusa Trio, but also to moments of social awareness: right from the Concertozzo stage of Bergamo, in July 2022, Dante Belisari, Elio’s then twelve-year-old son, shouted “Please respect all autistic people” immediately after declaring very naturally that “yes, I am autistic and I’m proud of it”.

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