For Lecce “Open Courtyards” the Salento songs of “The Singers of Hippocrates”

Citizens and tourists who will be visiting Lecce on Sunday 26 May for the “Open Courtyards” event, and in particular Palazzo Marrese, will have one more reason to appreciate local culture and traditions. At midday “The Singers of Hippocrates” will perform, a group that has made songs in Salento dialect and the peculiarities of Greece the highlight of a repertoire appreciated everywhere. They perform in white coats, because the Choir is mostly made up of doctors, linked to the oath of Hippocrates of Kos, a great doctor of the 4th century BC, considered the father of scientific medicine. Singing, music, dancing, in the wake of traditions, are a valid therapy – after all – to promote the well-being of the body and mind. And the “singers of Hippocrates” are an example of this. Take note and spread the word. From Salento a valid example of how culture can be created by promoting the territory. The choirs from Lecce to Matera, a city in the Terra d’Otranto, are the soul and memory of the local communities.

Lecce – Palazzo Marrese – 26 May 2024 at 12

1) THE WATER OF LA FUNTANA (THE ZITELLA) – traditional song from Nereto
2) THE COPPULA – by Cesare Monte
Choir with Basso Piero Conte
3) ARCU DE PRATU (or SIMU LECCESI) – music by Gino Corallo, lyrics by Menotti Corallo
4) LU RUSCIU TI LU MARE – Gallipoli folk song
Speaking voice: Nino Marra Solo voice: Luciana Capasa
5) KALI NIFTA – grika serenade, verses by Vito Domenico Palumbo
Solo vocals: Luigi Marra

Concert Master and Choir Director: Raffaele Lattante
Artistic Director of the Choir: Mino Metrangolo

Keyboards: Annamaria Mazzotta
Accordion: Luigi Marra
Electric guitar: Angelo Caretto
Electric bass: Mino Rollo
Percussion: Luciana Capasa, Tonino Perrone
Sound effects: Giuseppe Ancora

Dancers: Manuela Soldi
Daniela Stefanelli


The “I Cantori di Ippocrate” Choir is made up largely of Doctors and therefore wears white coats. It was born in 2005 with the aim of communicating through singing in relation to the great themes of humanity such as personal rights, the humanisation of medicine, solidarity.
He has performed more than 170 concert performances in Italy and abroad, including those held in Brussels in the European Parliament, in the Vatican City in the presence of Pope Benedict XVI, in Perugia in the S. Maria della Misericordia Hospital, in Rome in the Polyclinic Tor Vergata, in Camerino in the University Campus, in Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi (AV) in the Goleto Abbey, in Soverato (CZ) in the Hospital, in Bari at the Fiera del Levante and in the Petruzzelli Theatre, in Molfetta in the Amphitheater di Ponente, in Brindisi in the Church of the Santissima Addolorata, in Mesagne at the Euro Mediterraneo Biomedical Scientific Institute, in addition to the numerous concerts held in the city of Lecce and throughout Salento.

the Lecce open courtyards event

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