“The priorities of the Marche region are also European ones”

After the words of Carlo Calenda on the sidelines of his visit to Ancona in recent weeks – at the time he said he was confident in the fact that Azione could reach the threshold for the European elections -, the deputy Elena Bonetti also agreed yesterday: “I am certain that we will exceed four percent.” She said this on the occasion of a meeting with the press in the capital, to give a boost to the candidates for the Brussels Parliament, which she herself aspires to, but also the two people from the Marche region such as the outgoing mayor of Fano, Massimo Seri and the party secretary of Fermo, Germano Craia, all competing in the Central Italy constituency. Present were, among others, the regional secretary of Action, Tommaso Fagioli and the president of the party’s regional assembly, Germana Sorbi. The package, however, arrived last minute from the former Education Minister Mariastella Gelmini, who was unable to reach Ancona for personal reasons.

Bonetti, however, was confirmed, starting from the Marche situation: “There are priorities and battles that are also European”, he said in reference to the visit to the shoe factory district from which he had just returned: “One of the excellences of your region – he added – It is a reality that can be supported with a European investment which, for example, intervenes on the taxation and projects of small and medium-sized enterprises. The other theme, national but decidedly local: healthcare. A workhorse of Action: “No to the health ESM was said years ago – claimed Bonetti –. This prevented Italy from having those 37 billion that could have supported territorial services”.

Therefore it focused on the redevelopment of cities and small centers in internal areas, “for which Europe can launch a shared and common strategy for the redevelopment of territories”. Nearby, also the regional secretary Fagioli, who said he was happy “to inaugurate the candidates in our headquarters, that of Corso Garibaldi, which is preparing to become the regional headquarters of the party”. On Europe: “It’s our home: go and vote and bring people, house to house. It will be fundamental to have an MEP from the Marche region, who has been missing for twenty years.” Fagioli appeared very calm and expects “a good result for Action in our territory. As always we will put our face to it, running a sober electoral campaign with a smile”, claiming to be one of the “few parties to have filed a real electoral program in ten points”. And in the meantime the race for the European Parliament continues.


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