Bulgarella, the amalgam, the Serie A and… clarity

FOOTBALL C – The long stalemate phase continues for Lucchese who, apart from the now well-known renewal of Jacopo Coletta, have not yet moved on the market. In these hours, president Andrea Bulgarella has relaunched the challenge by speaking of great ambitions. The Rossoneri people wait confidently but with a not so veiled veneer of perplexity.

In recent days the president of Lucchese has spoken again and has done so with a certain frequency. Thank goodness otherwise we would be faced with a…deafening silence. Luckily, Lucchese’s number one went out of his way to reaffirm his full trust in the Gorgone coach and using, or rather daring to utter, the little word Serie A which these days, and it’s very sad to say, smacks of science fiction. Even on Gorgone’s account, which is also a more malleable matter, the feeling is that nothing has yet been decided given that other teams would be buzzing about the 47-year-old Roman coach. He, Gorgone, still has one year left on his contract with Lucchese but we know how these things go. In the meantime, the issue of the DS would also need to be resolved since we are now approaching three months since Frara’s dismissal and nothing has happened yet. He used an old advertising slogan from a few years ago: actions, not words. Already.

Then, if desired, it would also be time for the transfer market, given that Lucchese must rebuild a team that, we reiterate, has profoundly disappointed. True, the semi-final of the Italian Cup but in the championship the really good performances can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Pantera currently has around a dozen players on its staff, 13 to be exact, but it is not certain that all of them will remain in the shadow of the walls even if they are guaranteed by a contract which in the case of Tiritiello runs until 2027, Dijbril and Visconti until 2026 while for the others the deadline is in one year. Among those who we will not see again in the Rossoneri there is certainly Andrea Rizzo Pinna who actually said goodbye to the city a few weeks ago at the Gazzettino d’Argento awards ceremony and who would be in the sights of Cittadella and, listen, even Pisa. In reality, at the moment we have no confirmation from the city of the Leaning Tower. But we know: the market streets are endless.

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