Summer camps sting, parents’ concerns: “Families in collapse”

by Carla Tanzi

The one on Saturday 11 May was a nice and close confrontation, in a colorful sit-in. The children played, while the parents expressed their concerns. “Impossible to balance work/family time. The weekly contribution to support disabled children is inadequate” these are the keys to the protest. We collected the opinions of those present at the demonstration in front of the Municipality. We meet Sara, who tells us: “Families are collapsing, the price increases are unsustainable, if the public institution doesn’t come forward we won’t be able to do it. Politics must be people-centered. I say no to a policy that doesn’t look at children.” “In recent days a group of parents has opened a space for democratic participation – Marta and Laura highlight – which arises from a very serious lack: the Municipality has abandoned a fundamental service for families”.

Almost thirty degrees in the sun on a Saturday afternoon when you would like to go to the park or the beach. But there are many people who are near the municipality in Cinisello Balsamo. Punches are coming[1]tuals with signs, banners and many children in tow. They are mothers and fathers, calmly angry and determined because that increase announced for the cost of municipal summer centers is a disaster for many. It has already been decided, there has already been a meeting between the representatives of the Parents Committee of the Cinisello schools and the councilors of the right-wing council a few days before, where the municipality reiterated[1]finger that he can’t do more than that. And immediately afterwards with an angry statement he made it known that there are families protesting, despite the administration’s commitment.

Families who are evidently in bad faith and are trying to politically exploit the case, we read in the vitriolic note. A right-wing victim refrain that comes back into vogue every time administrative choices do not coincide with common sense. The cost for each child sent to spend the summer days at the sports campus will go from 79 euros per week to 130 euros this year. And it’s a real drain for many families: two parents with medium-low salaries who have no alters[1]natives to “look after” their children while they work during the summer months, will end up giving up the camp and will have to fall back on the oratories, whose contribution from the municipality, however, remains unchanged. But what caused the increases? This year the municipality decided not to cover the cost of meals which were guaranteed in previous years thanks to a ministerial fund.

So the council has chosen to leave a margin to the three associations that won the tender to manage the summer centers (ITK, Centro Rugby Nord Milano and Asa) to increase the cost of registration, given that[1]Cuts to municipal summer centers parents in the streets and controversy “Networking between families, in this increasingly individualistic society, requires commitment, but we have seen that it is possible – warns Valentina – we ask the administration for greater allocations because the summer center is not a luxury . For children – she adds – an important educational and social opportunity that must e.g[1]evenings made widely accessible”.

“There is an immediate and long-term dimension to the problem – Jurij, one of the many fathers present, precisely analyzes – We now find ourselves defending the right to be supported by public services. Everyone makes their contribution to society by working to make the country progress. We are stuck with salaries at 1990 and inflation is growing! While this is happening, an administration that governs a popular city like Cinisello decides that the private sector should be strengthened. Increase taxes and spend 3.5 million euros on perceived, perceived, not real security. Strategists who support the birth rate without giving concrete support to families – Jurij notes again, highlighting the need for a new path – We must re[1]take up public space to promote debate and find tools[1]minds, we need to talk to each other again.” “Which family are we talking about? – asks Anna – The one in which a woman doesn’t work and takes care of the house and children full time? They defend the family only in ideological form but contradict themselves with facts.” “We renew the request to the municipality to cover the cost of meals and to increase funds for educational re[1]aimed at children with disabilities. Let’s bring families back to the center – concludes Tatiana – Let’s stop and listen because no one must be left behind”.

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