Bradyseism emergency, the bishop of Pozzuoli writes to the faithful – Cronaca Flegrea

Bradyseism emergency, the bishop of Pozzuoli writes to the faithful – Cronaca Flegrea
Bradyseism emergency, the bishop of Pozzuoli writes to the faithful – Cronaca Flegrea

POZZUOLI – The bishop of Pozzuoli and Ischia, Don Carlo Villano, gathered together with the Pozzuoli clergy for a moment of prayer in the Seminary Chapel on the morning of Friday 24 May, read the Letter addressed to the faithful of the Church of Pozzuoli. He underlined the importance of “being close to each other”, called to think mainly of the people who need them most. «VWe want to make our own the words that the Apostle Paul addressed to the Galatians – recalls the bishop in the Letter – when he exhorted them to help each other carry one another’s burdens, and thus be faithful to the law of Christ (Gal 6:2). Only if we know how to concretely carry the weight of the other on our shoulders, only to the extent that the other becomes a person to carry and endure will we be able to give value to this time which, for some, will only be time to pass quickly, but which, instead, it could become a favorable time for us to rediscover the roots of our faith and to increase our ability to create relationships and generate community.” Maximum attention must be paid to the weak, the most fragile, minors and the elderly, for whom he launches an appeal: «In these days – concludes the bishop my particular thoughts go to the little ones so that it is not a time in which, after the time of the pandemic and the “piecemeal third world war” that seems to darken the horizon, they feel deprived of the future; a thought, again, to the sick and elderly who, already experiencing abandonment and loneliness on a daily basis, can, on the contrary, be placed at the center of our attention: they are the ones who most need care and concern in this critical and delicate period».

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