two brothers from Nisceme arrested – il Gazzettino di Gela

two brothers from Nisceme arrested – il Gazzettino di Gela
two brothers from Nisceme arrested – il Gazzettino di Gela

Two convicted brothers from Niscemi were arrested by the Carabinieri of the Territorial Department of Gela, in execution of a precautionary custody order issued by the Court of Gela, at the request of the local Public Prosecutor’s Office.

They are a twenty-four-year-old and a twenty-two-year-old, under investigation for illicit possession of narcotic substances for the purpose of dealing, attempted extortion – threats and violence – killing of animals – robbery, against a 22-year-old local man. During the investigations, carried out by the Carabinieri Station of Niscemi, sufficient circumstantial elements were collected against the arrested subjects, and in particular it would appear that the suspects, in order to obtain payment for a dose of narcotic substance, on several occasions – from the end from 2021 to today – they threatened a young man with continuous telephone messages and in one case, after beating him, robbed him of his phone.

The even more serious episode occurred in March 2023 when the two arrested men, with the intention of intimidating the boy even more, killed his dog by hanging it from the branch of a tree. The arrested were taken to their homes at the disposal of the judicial authorities.

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