Union of the blind and visually impaired, Irifor courses for switchboard operators return to Sicily

Fifteen students in Catania and the same number in Palermo. Francesca Oliveri, president of the Uici regional council, “Building adequate preparation that allows them to carry out fruitful work and make a valid contribution to civil society”. At the end of the training course, a final test which, if passed, will allow the acquisition of the professional qualification valid throughout the EU. The hiring opportunity thanks to the Sicilian Regional Law of 2022 on the reform of the compulsory job placement of telephone switchboard operators and communication operators with visual disabilities

Organized byIrifor ((Institute for Research, Training and Rehabilitation), non-profit organization ofBlind Union Sicilian, started in Palermo it’s at Catania a 954 hour professional training course financed by Region to acquire a blind and visually impaired that professional qualification of Telephone switchboard operator on IT systems which will allow them to register on the professional register and aspire towork inclusion as foreseen by regional regulations.

“L’Irifor Sicily Onlus – has explained Francesca Oliveripresident of Regional Council of the Union of the Blind – thanks to’Notice 7 of theDepartment of Training from the Sicilian regionhas already given the go-ahead to the lessons. THE thirty students involved will explore, among other things, theinformaticsthe foreign languagesthe communication techniques. So as to have aadequate preparation and carry out a profitable work giving a valid contribution at the civil society”.

The course – which is taking place in Catania in the Irifor headquarters in via Carmelo Abate it’s at Palermo in the street one Alessandro Manzoni – predicts seven hundred hours of theory lessons, 54 of compulsory modules and two hundred of internship in affiliated facilities. The students they will be busy until May 2025.

To select the best professionalism to engage in training projectL’Irifor Sicily Onlus issued a public announcement because now the switchboard operator no longer limits himself to dispatching callsbut must know how to use the IT tools (navigation on specific websitesmanagement of electronic address books and more) using effective communication techniques For manage appropriately the relations with them users.

At the end of training one is planned final evaluation test which, if passed, will allow theacquisition of professional qualification certified by a certificate valid throughout the European Union.

There Regional Law of 2022 on the reform of compulsory job placement of the switchboard operators telephones and others operators of communication with visual impairments gave for the first time execution at a decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of January 2000, which had extended The compulsory placement to new ones professional roles.

As Todayin SicilyThe switchboard operator with visual impairments can be used also as a “telephone operator in charge of information to customers and to public relations offices” and for “the management and the use of databases” and for “the services of telemarketing and of tele-help”.

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