Potenza, we are trying to recover with 1st Republic methods. The kids who wanted to change everyone only allowed themselves to be changed in everything. The enthusiasm around Telesca is growing. Between polls and crowds, the run-off is now certain

The survey launched among our readers on who they would have voted for puts Vincenzo Telesca in first place and Francesco Fanelli in second place. Among the over 80,000 followers of the Cronache Social page, around a thousand people (at the moment because the survey is still open) have answered the simple question: who would you vote for as mayor? The result, at the time of going to press, is that for 41% of participants the vote will go to Telesca, followed by Fanelli with 28% and Smaldone with 24%. It is certainly indicative of a trend which, on the one hand, sees the race for the mayor of Potenza between Telesca and Fanelli, and on the other sees the run-off for the final decision as almost certain. An important fact is that Smaldone is also holding up well for a competition which, unlike what happened in the Regional elections, does not yet have a certain winner. As we had already said during the presentation, what gives Francesco Fanelli a boost are the centre-right lists which are made up of the parties that have the majority of consensus in Italy and in Basilicata extended to all the political forces that made up the Bardi coalition. Probably without the support lists in an “American-style” game Telesca would reach the end of the first round as the most voted. The change between Fanelli and Guarente did not provide the center-right with a more authoritative or more charismatic candidacy. Telesca pulls the coalition, Fanelli is not dragged.


The climate of enthusiasm that reigns around Vincenzo Telesca is palpable and proved itself in the large crowd that filled the committee at his inauguration. Over five hundred people from all over the city completed the embrace with the citizens that had already manifested itself during its tour of the districts with the large demonstration in Avigliano Scalo last week. There hasn’t been a warm atmosphere towards a centre-left candidate in the City for years. Five years ago the candidacies of Bianca Andretta and Tramutoli seemed predestined to play the role of sparring partner of the Northern League candidate Fanelli with a ruling class mobilized more for the honor of signing than for genuine enthusiasm. Today the situation seems to have changed radically. In Potenza, with De Luca’s victory, the definitive destruction of the Region Party began. The center-left can restart from Potenza after the definitive defeat and definitive elimination of the old ruling class in the latest regional elections. A hope of revenge that the center-right must not underestimate if it wants to play the game to the end. Especially in the (increasingly probable, if not certain) case of a run-off, victory traditionally goes to those who are able to get the most people to vote. The enthusiasm of the hope of the center-right’s victory combined with the tired demotivation of the center-left were the engines that led Guarente’s voters to vote en masse and Tramutoli’s potential voters to absent themselves from the vote, thus repeating the pattern that had already led De Luca to victory.


It is no coincidence that the centre-right candidates and coalition parties often insist in their communications on the need for the new ruling classes to assert themselves against the old system of power. They were the same slogans that the same people launched ten years ago in support of De Luca and five years ago to help Guarente win. The difference of ten years, however, cannot be filled with more or less bombastic and self-consoling phrases. In these ten years the government of the city has been directly or indirectly theirs. They are the same people as ten and five years ago only older over the years and more worn out by the management of the administration. Dust cannot hide under slogans like under carpets. And, although we understand the reasons behind the propaganda, we manage to find the possibility of a make-up capable of erasing the inexorable passage of time difficult.


To quote a symbolism very dear to the most radical right-wing circles, the ring of Power transforms, when it is possessed by those who are not able to manage it it produces the transformation of a naive hobbit into Gollum. As Tolkjien teaches, in fact, only a hobbit with a pure heart can be the bearer of the ring without allowing himself to be seduced or corrupted by it. Evidently in the coalition and in the city government team there is no one with the human temperament of Frodo and Sam. And so, the ring of power transformed those young people who wanted to change the city into addicted managers of power in the same way as their predecessors. In recent days we had announced the notice for vertical progressions which had been issued in the midst of the election campaign. Our new citizen servants of the ring have outdone themselves, just yesterday they decided to approve a competition notice for the full-time and permanent hiring of three technical managers, with the reservation of a position for employees of the Municipality of Potenza . Competitions for hiring and promotions in the middle of the electoral campaign are a slap in the face to all the declarations of change that have been kept up in recent years by those young people who wanted to change the system but preferred that the system change them. Tools of the First Republic in the worst sense of the term, activities of a low empire and the collapse of the gods that we would have liked to never see again and which, instead, we are forced to talk about, comment on and censor. Nietzsche warned that “he who fights with monsters must be careful not to become a monster by doing so. And if you peer into an abyss for a long time, the abyss will also peer into you”, evidently none of those who were the young people of change structured themselves to avoid becoming like the monster that five and ten years ago they declared they wanted to fight . It is very sad to see this decline and this moral disorder.

By Massimo Dellapenna

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