Aversa, Farinaro visits the Flecs footwear company: “Protect quality Aversa craftsmanship”

Aversa, Farinaro visits the Flecs footwear company: “Protect quality Aversa craftsmanship”
Aversa, Farinaro visits the Flecs footwear company: “Protect quality Aversa craftsmanship”


Aversa (Caserta) – Protection of quality Aversa craftsmanship among the objectives of Antonio Farinaro, candidate for mayor for the centre-right coalition – supported by Forza Aversa, Fratelli d’Italia, Antonio Farinaro Mayor, Noi Moderati – who yesterday visited the factory of the “Flecs” shoe company where the manufacturing ability of the master shoemakers is combined with modernity.

“The Aversa craftsmanship, in particular the footwear sector,” declared Farinaro, “has historically been the economic engine of our community and, despite the not always favorable economic circumstances, continues to positively characterize us at an international level. Together with the food and wine sector, the footwear sector is a driving and qualifying driving force for our economy. City politics has the obligation to relate to it constructively to contribute to its promotion and allow it the best operating conditions. A virtuous partnership between public and private, therefore, aimed at further enhancing local excellence”.

Supporting Antonio Farinaro on the occasion was the candidate for the city council on the Forza Aversa list, Mariano Orabona, who reiterated: “The footwear supply chain, the pride and pride of this city, must be encouraged and protected. It represents the beating heart of the city’s economy. Also on this occasion Antonio Farinaro showed himself to be particularly sensitive to the economic development of Aversa”.

Therefore, the meetings of the lawyer Farinaro continue at a rapid pace aimed at examining in depth all the issues highlighted by the socio-economic fabric of the city. In the next few days other appointments await the Aversa professional, in particular the confrontation, together with the other three candidates for mayor, with the Association of Family Victims of the Road scheduled for May 24th and, shortly thereafter, the one set for May 26th with third sector associations.

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