Francesco Lenoci at the festival of good example

By Vito Piepoli:

Prof. returned to speak at the Alexander Museum Palace Hotel in Pesaro on the occasion of the first edition of “The Festival of Good Example”. Francesco Lenoci, in the presence of the Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Beauty, Daniele Vimini.

The last time he spoke in Pesaro was April 22, 2022 on World Earth Day. Pesaro had already been named Italian Capital of Culture 2024 and was then Italian Youth Capital 2022.

Francesco Lenoci is an economist, professor at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. Author of 36 monographs on budgeting and finance topics and numerous articles, he has received numerous awards for his commitment to sustainability.

For Lenoci, among the ideals to be able to cultivate and for which it is worth fighting, there is certainly beauty, art, the protection of creation, the protection of the earth, disfigured by pollution, aged by our manipulations, violated by our greed.

“Well, development can be: sustainable or unsustainable. The aim of sustainable development is to satisfy the needs of the current generation, without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their own needs. One of the central challenges of sustainable development is the request for new and innovative choices and a different way of thinking” are his exact words.

In conclusion, to summarize his speech, it can be said that for several centuries, development was unsustainable, as it involved: Extract-Produce-Use-Throw away.

It was an anti-natural process, because nature does not work like this, but according to a cyclical model whereby the resources that are born, grow and die return to the earth as new resources to regenerate to a new life. In fact, we no longer talk about Linear Economy but about Circular Economy.

And he recalled that he was the first in the world who had these concepts very clear Saint Francis of Assisi who had a deep respect and love for nature and its precious assets.

And one of his favorite disciples, Don Tonino Bello, also followed him on that path, shouting: “The Earth was not given to us as an inheritance from our fathers, but we received it on loan from our children. If we have borrowed it, we need to return it…to return it improved, it is no longer enough to enunciate Hope, but we need to organize it.”

“The theme of good example reflects the urgency and importance of adopting positive and innovative approaches to address global challenges, such as: climate change, world peace, social inequality and poverty” reported prof. The walnuts,

According to the professor, it was an extraordinary opportunity for supply and demand of ideas, inspirations and connections between writers, poets, artists, experts, activists and opinion leaders from all over the world to meet, thanks to Regina Resta and Nani Marcucci Pine nuts, organizers of the event.

The artist Roberta Arduini (in the photo with Lenoci), present in the audience, has the same idea and pursues the same ideals by using theatrical art as a means of communicating virtuous examples and reflections, which reach the heart of the spectator, making inroads, involving him with words and music. The theatre, too, sets a good example and questions the future of humanity by creating enchantment, emotions, commotion, involvement and education.

In this regard, how can we fail to mention among the four theatrical works she composed, and performed with the three talented master musicians of her OASI quartet, Paride Battistoni on the violin, Jacopo Mariotti on the cello and Diego Gasperi on the piano. One, in particular, deeply in theme with what Professor Lenoci covered: “Ancient Echoes in the voice of Mother Earth” (the trailer ).

It is difficult to describe this work, staged in the best Italian locations and requested by artistic directors and administrations, if you are not lucky enough to be able to experience it, to let yourself be overwhelmed and to savor the beneficial sense of completeness, and the desire to commit correctly , which he leaves to the spectator at the end of the show. It will be staged at the Novilara Castle on June 21st to celebrate the Summer Solstice, thanks to Maris Galdenzi and Riccardo Gravagna of the L’Anfora Cultural Association (book on 339.3707313).

This musical recital of the highest caliber and of great human, social and environmental value, extremely timely, intimately photographs every aspect of human existence in relation to the creation that surrounds us and of which we are part, rediscovering it, enhancing it and safeguarding it, in an artistic way , poetic and musical.

And through an exciting and reflective cathartic journey, sound rites, sounds, flavors, and the most famous music of all time, it takes us back to the essence of the Anima Mundi, to balance with ourselves, with others and with the mechanism perfect that nourishes life and nature, which must be taken care of.

A show that is profoundly moving, both in terms of the unpublished lyrics and the interpretation and the musical combination, in an emotional crescendo of rare beauty that culminates with a Hymn to Life and a poignant invocation to Mother Earth and Creation: The Canticle of the Creatures of Saint Francis.

“In Ancient Echoes in the voice of Mother Earth personified by me, we listen to the Voice and the sound of our Mother Earth, who with her ancestral strength full of Love, opens her arms and spurring the mind, body and soul of the spectator, we guide towards a sensorial path and a profound connection with our being, our inner seed and our roots to be recovered, through the primordial relationship that binds us to her, to be safeguarded” Roberta Arduini tells us.

Of great human, social and environmental value, the show photographs the environmental, technological and social problems that have led us to lose balance with ourselves, with others and with the perfect mechanism of Mother Earth that nourishes Life.




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