Hair of Italy: the bill of the Melonians to establish the register of hairdressers at the Ministry of Made in Italy

Among the parliamentary documents deposited at Palazzo Madma, there is a bill dedicated to hairdressers, an umbrella term that groups together the professions of barber, hairdresser and – Italian purists don’t want it – hair stylist. The first signatory is Renato Ancorotti, senator of the Brothers of Italy who made his entrepreneurial fortune in the cosmetics sector. He is said to be a personal friend of the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni. Together with other members of the majority, Ancorotti wants to give a delegation to the government to establish, at the Ministry of Made in Italy Companies, the national register of hairdressers. The proposal, we read, “intends to highlight and recognize the professional quality of hairdressers as well as guarantee the customer with respect to the services provided by the same professionals”.

The signatory senators underline that hairdressers and barbers today play “a fundamental role in the health of customers since their activities include not only the provision of complementary trichological treatments, but also the use of cosmetic products”. Products on which Ancorotti based his professional career. In the text, by way of example, we talk about hair dyes and bleaches. But hairdressers often also take care of their clients’ make-up. «From this need comes the need, which can no longer be postponed, to establish a register of professional hairdressers». However, it is the same bill that establishes that registration in the register does not constitute a binding condition for carrying out the work of a hairdresser, “but represents an element of recognition and reliability on which to base the professional activity”.

ANSA/MOURAD BALTI TOUATI | Renato Ancorotti and Giorgia Meloni at the Milan Beauty Week at Palazzo Giureconsulti in Milan, 5 May 2022.

Meloni’s partnership with the world of cosmetics

Cosmoprof is held every year in Bologna: it is one of the best-known fairs in the world for the cosmetics and professional beauty industry. Meloni is a faithful visitor. Among the most well-known people who participate is Ancorotti: the senator is among the leaders of the sector in Italy, being the owner of cosmetics companies that produce make-up on behalf of many international brands. At the last edition of the fair, Meloni had Ancorotti as his personal guide. In his role as an entrepreneur, he was twice appointed president of the trade association, Cosmetica Italia. At the same time, Ancorotti has gathered various political experiences: provincial councilor of Cremona with Forza Italia, councilor and municipal councilor in Crema with the People of Freedom and in 2022, finally, he managed to secure a seat in the Senate in the ranks of the Brothers of Italy. Among the activities at Palazzo Madama in Ancorotti, two amendments to the latest budget law should be noted, so that the VAT exemption would be applied to cosmetic surgery interventions.

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