Healthcare, Nursing Up, staff shortage in Lombardy

Healthcare, Nursing Up, staff shortage in Lombardy

Healthcare, Nursing Up, staff shortage Lombardy: all possible paths must be followed to have the necessary number of nurses on duty.

ASST Lariana is ready to hire professionals again with the third call in six months.

ROME 22 MAY 2024 – The Lombardy Region is dealing with a shortage of nurses, as many as 9 thousand, which must be resolved as quickly as possible. Faced with this generalized problem, there are healthcare companies, such as ASST Lariana, which has become aware of the serious deficit, and which is trying to follow all possible paths to heal a plague indisputably caused by the constant flight of professionals to Switzerland Lombardy, without forgetting the inconveniences linked to high rents, with accommodation which in the Como area can even exceed 1000 euros per month. Above all, this is the reason that pushes many professionals to abandon competitions.

Having said this, the effort to try to change things for the Como area, although not decisive due to the low turnout of professionals, must be highlighted: we are faced with the third tender in the last few months.

The first, in October 2023, advertised for 130 positions, saw 109 hires.

The second in January 2024, advertised for 100 posts, saw 90 hires.

Of course, hiring is always lower than the available positions, and therefore it doesn’t solve the problem of staff shortages, but it helps a lot.

They tell us that the goal is now to exceed the number of 300 nurses hired in the last six months.

And this is why the Asst Lariana has announced a new competition for 100 places, joining forces with all the health bodies in the ATS Insubria area, therefore the Asst Sette Laghi and the Asst Valle Olona.

It must be said that in addition to these procedures, the ASL itself is trying other avenues. There are hiring notices for temporary nurses, others aimed at specialized nurses, for example pediatric nurses. And still other hiring searches are in freelance.

In short, the effort made by ASL Lariana deserves due attention.

Of course, all this does not solve in the short term the problem of nurses’ poor compliance with tenders and the generalized shortage, which depends on salaries that are too low and contracts that do not provide much value, but it could represent the potentially suitable tool to have in the field, from time to time, ” the greatest possible number of operational professionals”, which could help to allow, especially in delicate periods such as the summer, compliance with the holiday schedule for the professionals involved, as well as not reducing the number of beds in the Operational Units.

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