City Council of Ragusa, Cassì’s loyalists repel every slightest attack or observation but do not respond or intervene on the most serious problems

City Council of Ragusa, Cassì’s loyalists repel every slightest attack or observation but do not respond or intervene on the most serious problems
City Council of Ragusa, Cassì’s loyalists repel every slightest attack or observation but do not respond or intervene on the most serious problems

The city council of wonders, almost a street show: skirmishes between the councillors, councilors who irreverently criticize the dissident majority councillors, loyal to Cassì who intervene at every slightest point, but remain silent on serious problems.

You see and hear everything, councilor Chiavola, in the morning in the premises of the registry office, a former municipal library, for the electoral commission, complains about the poor healthiness of the places, talks about the smell of mold.
Councilor Criscione immediately responds by stating: “I was there too, Chiavola said this morning that there was no smell of mold!”
Who is right? Chiavola doesn’t reply, we’re at comedy.
The leader councilor of the 5 Star Movement complains that to make room for car sharing vehicles, parking spaces for disabled people would have been eliminated, no one responds but, more seriously, no one intervenes, no one seems affected by the news, whether true or false. But Firrincilei isn’t one to pull white rabbits out of a hat.

The significant interventions are those of the councilors Mauro and Calabrese, who insist mainly on the Iblea Acque issue.

Councilor Mauro raises his tone and, as we had hoped, shifts his focus to the mayors who, in their own right, are, however, co-responsible for the omissions, irregularities, silences and lack of transparency.
He speaks, without reverential fears, of “institutional mutiny”, of “a blanket of silences, of omissions, of lack of responses that envelops and strangles Iblea Acque, in the total indifference of the local delegation”.
These are heavy words that become boulders in the absence of reactions from the figures involved.
Councilor Calabrese also supports his colleague, focuses on the failure to transfer the electricity bills, on the concerns of the managers, and announces that in the absence of short-term solutions for the issues on the table, he will find himself forced to support the action of those who consider all local mayors responsible.
Then Calabrese shifts the spotlight to the fibrillations in the majority with specific reference to the three dissident councilors and demands explanations for the city on the remaining majority: it is clear, however, that the councilors Bennardo, Zagami and Caruso often disagree, and are also treated badly, as we will see later, from the administrators and colleagues, we do not understand the concerns of Calabrese who even offers to lend a hand to the majority if they are in difficulty.
The majority still holds with 14 members, it will not be very solid but it can hold, also because there are no fibrillators on the horizon, all of whom are very loyal.
Even the three dissidents do not constitute a single, solid body, three very different backgrounds, which will not constitute a group, as they had wanted to do since the end of January.
Too many variables at stake, Bennardo, a free shooter, in excellent relationships with high-level politicians, without declared affiliations, who remains, stubbornly, in a majority that openly doesn’t like him.
Zagami, another who obstinately remains in a group that had welcomed him as a party exponent, Action, hidden, the mayor is aware, in the ranks of Ragusa Prossima which, now, formally expels him from the group because he does not want to join the movement.
Councilor Caruso, another figure who remains, obstinately, in the ranks of Partecipiamo, where she was elected, but looks with sympathy on the DC of Abbate and Cuffaro, certainly ready to move to other centre-right parties, should they request it post-European political games.
The room examined two of the three points on the Agenda, obvious, immediate, passed in the religious silence of all, with only the PD councilors against, the adjustment of the attendance fee, at the highest level, 100%, allowed by a new regulation which, indeed, brings the compensation back to the levels of past years.
Having postponed the approval of the new agreement with the University of Catania, for the new university courses, the Spending Plan of the Ibla 2022 law has been approved.
Nothing transcendental, characterized only by the redevelopment of via Monelli, it will be remembered as the Plan which introduced, in a completely questionable manner, contributions to the new residents of the historic centre, including and above all university students, with the funds of the Ibla Law.
The exit from the chamber of the three dissident majority councillors, who complained about the lack of response to a question on the spending plans of the law on historic centres, relating to the years 2021, 2022 and 3 2023, provided the opportunity for stinging criticism and personal to Bennardo and Zagami, by the majority group leader, Antoci and by the councilor Gurrieri.
But there were no reactions.

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